I haven't posted on here since we found out that we were pregnant so you don't know that we miscarried at 6w5d due to a blighted ovum. It's been two weeks since we found out that there was something wrong with our little peach. The gestational sac grew, but nothing grew inside of it. The RE said it was most likely due to some sort of chromosomal error.
Now we wait a month and then we are starting clomid next cycle. I am excited and scared to death at the same time that I will lose it again. Next time around we are not going to tell anyone until we hear a heartbeat and I don't think we will tell work until the second trimester.
Surprisingly enough I have not had trouble working which is a shocker since I work at the welfare office. I think I became numb to my clients a long time ago. People who are pregnant and don't want their kids bother me but they would probably bother me either way.
Our Memorial Day party was a pretty large bust. All of my friends showed, but C's didn't. One of them showed but the rest did not. We wasted so much money on food and beer and that will for sure be the last time we throw a major party again. That was the last thing Chris needed, he is upset enough as it is about the baby and then his shithead friends don't show to the party after they all said they were coming.
The dickheadest thing told to us about the miscarriage was from my friend's mother. She said now that we can get pregnant we need to work on our Karma for the rest. She claims to not know what it means, but she used it perfectly in the sentence so I am just not sure what to think. Her daughter and I haven't gotten along great for quite a while now but I still think that was uncalled for. Oh well.