My world from 2006-2010 revolved around our many failed attempts to get and stay pregnant. Here is a quick summary of what we tried…
2006- start ttc
07/07- lap…mild endo dx
02/08- chemical pregnancy
05/08- spontaneous pregnancy, blighted ovum at 5 weeks
07/08- failed clomid cycle
10/08-chemical pregnancy-clomid w/ IUI cycle- count was below clinic's cut off to continue doing IUIs
Summer of 08- started taking wheatgrass daily
11/08-12/08-IVF #1
Long Lupron Protocol
Suppression-bcps and lupron
300 units of follistim a night
low dose hcg
5 units lupron
14 retrieved, 7 fertilized
One poor, fragmented embryo transferred on day 5
*allergic to ovidrel shot and PIO in sesame oil
We switched clinics in April 2009
05/09- new RE orders the clomid challenge before we do IVF #2. Pregnancy results, loss at 8 weeks. Trisomy 17
09/09- IVF #2
Estrogen Priming Protocol
Suppression- estradiol and prometrium
300 units of follistim
menopur and ganirlex as needed
12 retrieved
3 mature at day of retrieval
3 more mature day after retrieval
One poor embryo makes it to blast on day 6
*allergic to Menopur and PIO in cotton seed oil
11/09- meet with RE for WTF appointment. Was given a new lifestyle/diet plan
12/09- Glucose and insulin levels come back normal so there is no reason to believe that my sugar levels are causing my infertility.
The plan…
Low sugar/no alcohol/good carbs only
weight training
Wait a few months to see if my cycles return back to normal before we cycle again
AMH levels were returned 01/2010…perimenopausal
01/18/2010- made the decision to no longer pursue fertility treatments
02/2010- cycles have not yet returned to normal on the “plan”
02/2010-I guess the lifestyle planned worked, we had another spontaneous pregnancy! Our miracle boy was born on 10/1/10!
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago