The basics of my plan is to keep my blood sugar level by following a low GI diet, cutting out alcohol, and weight training. My mentor gave me the book Fertility Foods and while it does a good job into trying to scare you into only eating fruits and veggies, this just isn’t a healthy way to go. My mentor did have success in basically eating nothing but lean meat and veggies, but that was her choice and neither my RE or the nutritionist endorse going to this extreme.
The goal is to eat balanced meals of 40% good carbs, 30% fat(with less than 10% being saturated fat), and 30% protein. They had me start using which has a graph each day so you can see the ratios you are eating, so if I am a little low on something through lunch I can change what we are eating for dinner. The good carb thing threw me for a loop at first as I hate whole wheat breads with a passion, but I have recently found some sprouted grain muffins and pitas that I like a lot. I pretty much cut out plain bread itself as I just can’t stomach it. I was also told to eat full fat ice cream 2-3 times a week as it is supposed to help with ovulation issues, not that that is my issue but any excuse to eat ice cream works for me.
We also started going organic with a lot of our dairy, frozen fruits, and veggies. This was not recommended, but I also stopped using products with parabens, sulfates, and pthalates as I need as little screwing with my reproductive system as possible at this point.
The other main thing is the weight training. From what I was told the more muscle you have, the more stable your blood sugar remains throughout the day. Something about the your muscles burning the sugar instead of your body turning it into fat. I am not real clear on the mechanics of this part but my arms look buff now so its all good.
They re-did my glucose and insulin blood work and while these numbers have always been in the normal range for me, they both went down significantly according to the RE and he is happy with my progress. I do feel better, I have more energy, and my skin looks amazing. I don’t stray too far off the plan often because now when I eat stuff full of fat and oils I end up sick…so thats a pretty big deterrent.
One book that really explains a lot of this is Jillian Michael’s Mastering your Metabolism book. The goal of her book is to help you loose weight and get those hormones in check, but her book goes over all of your hormones and has special sections about PCOS.
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago