How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: -17 pounds
Maternity clothes? Pants only
Stretch marks? none
Sleep: Is sort of difficult with a PICC line in but I get a decent amount each night.
Best moment this week: Keeping down a frosty
Movement: not yet
Food cravings: breakfast burritos still
Gender: we should know in two more weeks!
Labor Signs:none
What I miss: not being nauseous
What I am looking forward to: Being able to feel the baby move
Total weight gain/loss: -17 pounds
Maternity clothes? Pants only
Stretch marks? none
Sleep: Is sort of difficult with a PICC line in but I get a decent amount each night.
Best moment this week: Keeping down a frosty
Movement: not yet
Food cravings: breakfast burritos still
Gender: we should know in two more weeks!
Labor Signs:none
What I miss: not being nauseous
What I am looking forward to: Being able to feel the baby move
Update: We are pretty much at status quo here. Still sick, still off of work, still bored, baby’s heartbeat sounds great! I did get a new home nurse today who was super helpful and gave Chris and I a list of foods I can try eating to up my calorie and protein intake without eating meat or drinking milk on its own. She is sending out the dietitian to work with me next week because she doesn’t think the doctor should be shrugging off my still 10% weight loss as much as he is. Any weight I have gained in the past two weeks we are sure is from my body and the baby and not from the maybe 500 calories I keep down a day. Also, I was told I need to lower my expectations on feeling better soon…this will stop at 20 weeks…only 4 more weeks to go…