Thursday, January 20, 2011


My first topic of the day is mascara.  I have a love/hate relationship with this product.  I need mascara when I leave the house just as much as I need air since I have blonde eye lashes.  They are so blond it barely even looks like I have eye lashes so I have to have something on them but I am just not a huge fan of mascara in general.  For years I just wore clear so you could at least see that I had lashes.  Last year I used Buxom mascara and I liked it, but didn't love it.  I read some beauty blogs and decided to try Full and Soft by Maybelline.  This is one seriously clumpy mascara so in the trash that went.  Last night I picked up Loreal's Carbon Black Voluminous mascara and it is better but I am not in love with it either which is ok since it was on sale for $5 at Happy Harrys.  The bottom line is that I think my general distaste for mascara was clouding the fact that the Buxom really is the best for me so I will be picking it back up again the next time I am at Sephora.  What's your favorite mascara?

Topic number two is face wash.  I can't rave enough about Purity Made Simple but with this cold weather my face is dry, dry, dry and the Purity is doing nothing for me.  I bought Loreal's 360 sensitive face wash and I love this stuff!  My skin is so much softer now and between that and FAB's Ultra Repair Cream we are back in business.

That's all I have for today in the realm of beauty!  Onto my hilarious child...Jax has decided he wants to be sitting up at all times as of last week.  Every time we lay him down he tries to use his stomach muscles to get himself upright and sometimes gets seriously pissed when he realizes it just isn't happening.   He has now taken to grabbing the rails of the changing table to help hoist himself up.  Slow down dude, what happened to rolling?  "Oh, I am all over that mommy, just watch."  He has only rolled over a handful of times since he rolled over for the first time last month which from everything I have been told is totally normal.  Then last night he rolls over three times on the blanket.  We clap, he laughs, and that was the end of it.  We go to his room to put away laundry and I put him down on his stomach in his crib and ten seconds later I turn around and he rolled over yet again and had this silly grin on his face.  It will be interesting to see if this is another one time thing or if he is going to become more consistent.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I would first like to point out that if you don't take advantage of Amazon Mom and Subscribe and Save you  need to jump on that.  The two main things I got off of here are diapers and wipes and we save a ton of money per month.  Jax is currently in Huggies Little Snugglers which are usually somewhere around 37.99 for a case in the store but you can get them for 22.62 with Amazon Mom and Subscribe and Save so clearly I am a huge fan.

This month it didn't work out so well though.  I cancelled Jax's size 1 diapers back in December and signed up for size 2.  It shows in my account that the size 1s were cancelled back in December and my current subscription is size 2s.  Everything was going well until they sent out size 1 and size 2 last week.  No biggie, returns are free except there was nothing in my order history indicating I even ordered the size 1s so I couldn't print a return label.  First I call(customer service is great) and she says she is sorry, it was a computer glitch and that she will make sure it doesn't happen again.  She also says she will send me the correct return label.  Not so much, she sends me a return label for the size 2s and cancels my current size 2 subscription.  Gee, so I have to call back again and she re-activates my subscription which sends out another frigging case of diapers and sends me the correct label.  I now have 3 cases of diapers in my house when I only ordered 1.  At least both cases of size 2s should get used and I have to find time to drop off the size 1s at a UPS drop off site.

I will have to admit I am slightly irked that it can just charge your credit card and send out orders without your knowledge and I will have to re-think it all next month if it happens again..

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Another week has gone by and things have been blissfully uneventful, besides the whole teething issue.  He doesn't seem to be too perturbed by the recent development...tons of drool, trying to stick his whole hand in this mouth and gagging while trying to get his soothie over there but other than that we are good.  I bought the whole aisle of teethers this weekend to try and find one that will fit into his little mouth, I think there is one in the bunch that fits the bill but he doesn't seem to keen on having something cold in his mouth.

UPDATE:  You are going to get a kick out of this.  They aren't teeth, they are cysts.  Do I win an award for biggest idiot of the week?  I would also like to point out this wasn't just me it was daycare also swearing it was a tooth.  The cysts usually form on the roof of the mouth, it just so happens this one was right on the gum line.  I think I popped the damned thing this weekend when I had a washcloth in his mouth because he was so miserable sucking on his hand.  For now its gone and the pedi said they are harmless and he is to the age where he shouldn't get too many more.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I promised I would write more often now that I am working but I have nothing to complain about and let's face it that is what most of my blog was!

We are all doing well.  I have really adjusted well to work and Jax going to daycare.  Work isn't half as bad as I remember it being and being able to leave at 4 o'clock helps me keep my mouth shut when something is going on that I don't like.  Don't want to piss the boss off when they are helping make your life easier:)

Jax is :knock on wood: doing very well!  We finally got his prevacid refilled and they flavored it.  He will now take it without spitting out half the dose and in combination with his new forumla things are going so well in the reflux department.  I am going to give it three more weeks but if things are still going well I am going to cancel his appointment at the children's hospital if I get the ok from his ped.  We haven't rolled over much since that first night but from everything I have read that is to be expected.  He coos and tries to talk to us all of the time, it is so adorable.  His favorite thing seems to be when I sing the itsy bitsy spider and walk my fingers up his tummy during diaper changes.  He gets so excited, I love it!

It's crazy how quickly these kiddos develop.  One day he wants nothing to do with his rattles and the next day  I walk in and doesn't he have the damn thing above his head looking at it.  A few days later I turned around and he had one in each hand!  Last night we were playing with a toy that lights up when you hit it and it just amazes me that when the music stops he goes to hit it so it starts back up again.  Hello kid you were in utero a few months ago, how does this all happen so quickly?  As you can see from the pics the only serious bummer of him developing is that he had decided he hates the video camera and the digital camera.  He can be all shits and grins and then he gets the "suspicious camera" look on his face when he sees it.  Boo!

Uh, mom I think the hat is too little for my head.