Thursday, April 21, 2011

We made it through the week

It was a short week but we managed to make it through the week!  I thought there was no way in hell daycare wouldn't be calling for us to come pick up Jax.  He was overly cranky Monday and Tuesday but as of last night I would say he was in a better mood than he has been in a long time...maybe before he had RSV.  The steroids really did the trick and we are successfully weaning him off of the albuterol and last night neither one of us had to get up because of a crazy coughing fit.  We may actually try and put him back in his crib tonight.

His trick of the week is blowing bubbles and making fart noises  It is hysterical so now Chris and I throw a fart noise in to our conversations and then he does it back.  So funny.

My chubbster is growing finally!  He has been measured twice since his six month appointment since he has been sick and he grew 3/4 of an inch since the 4th of April.  I noticed that his gymboree pants that were a bit tight around the waist aren't anymore but never would have guessed he grew that much.  His weight has pretty much stayed the same which isn't surprising as he wasn't eating much for a week or so.

Chris and I are also feeling much better.  I still sound like a man but I think allergies have a lot to do with it and as I am already on two things there isn't much more I can do right now.  The weather channel said we have high pollen again so it's no surprise and maybe with all of the rain we are supposed to get this weekend I will get a reprieve.

We are going to Friendly's tomorrow night with Adam and the girls.  Yay!  The last time they saw Jax he was only a few weeks old and now he will be sitting in a high chair eating puffs.  Time flies!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hospital Visit Round 2

The first time Jax was admitted to the hospital I was all "OMFG, holy shit, holy shit, holy shit."  Then you are there for four days and get into the swing of things.  You realize it's the best place for your kiddo to be when he can't keep up his oxygen at night so round 2 went pretty smoothly.

Last Tuesday daycare called me saying that Jax was having a hard time breathing.  Lovely.  I run over and grab him, he was just wheezing but I took him to the doctor anyway.  At this point it was just a wheeze, but much worse than the week before so he was put on oral steriods.   Chris stayed with him the next day just to make sure everything was ok and by the time I got home Jax was coughing his poor head off.  I called the nurses line and as soon as they heard him they said to take him in.

Off to Christiana we went and as soon as those nurses heard him while we were waiting in line we were pulled back and given a room.  They did neb after neb and we still could not get him to calm down.  They finally gave him a neb treatment with epinephrine and then 3 nebs of albuterol and he stopped coughing.  We were admitted at 4 am and then he was hooked up to the oximeter which read a lovely 89.  Sweet.  Jax was given oxygen while he slept and we were out 24 hours later when he could stay above 93 while he slept.  I guess the steriods just needed some time to work.

Seeing four doctors in the span of a day and a half can get annoying as they all have differing opinions on laryngomalacia and what it does to the airway.  The first doctor we saw once we were admitted didn't know he had laryngomalcia and said his admit was a "soft" one but as soon as we told her that her demeanor changed(thankfully, it was 4:30 am and I was ready to bust a cap in her rude ass).  She believes his current problem has to do with allergies and a virus which is all made worse by his reactive airway disease and the narrowing of his airway that laryngo causes.  Now before her no one ever said that laryngo causes a narrowing of the airway, I only heard that the tissue covering the vocal cord flaps around.  She also doesn't recommend giving albuterol to patients with laryngo because it just makes the tissue even flappier.

The two residents we saw didn't have an ever living loving fucking clue as to what was going on and said they didn't see any reason he was even admitted.  I was really tired so I decided that saying "if an infant can't keep his O2 above 93 they need to be hospitalized" wouldn't help this situation.  Then the head peds person agreed with doc 1 about laryngo making everything worse but disagreed with giving albuterol since it seems to help.  Yeah, so I have no idea what is going on there.  At this point he had also had the RSV test again and a chest x-ray which both came back negative.  The day after we got out the doctor called us and said his parainfluenza test came back positive.  I had no idea wtf that even was so I had to look it up and I guess that is where I got my bronchitis from:) and they must have been right about him having "a touch of croup."

He is back at daycare and we are all back at work.  I have basically pulled every muscle in my lower back and stomach from coughing so I am not the peachiest peach today.   I am so glad it is a short week as we are all in need of some r and r!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

6 month stats

Height- 25 inches-10th percentile
Weight- 17 lbs .5 oz 50th percentile
Head Circ- 35th percentile

I have a little, fat peanut:)  He is moving on up on the height chart finally!  The doctor was a little concerned about how much weight he has gained but what can you do, he will lose it when he becomes more mobile.  He said he should be spending more time in the jumperoo or walker...but yeah my child is too short for the walker so it is what it is for now.  I would rather have him chunky than worrying like I did when he was first born about how skinny he was. 

He is teething, gums are nice and swollen but nothing is coming through yet.  He is so miserable at times and he is not an unhappy kiddo by any means so hopefully whatever in there that is really bothering him will come through soon.  

Back to work!