It was a short week but we managed to make it through the week! I thought there was no way in hell daycare wouldn't be calling for us to come pick up Jax. He was overly cranky Monday and Tuesday but as of last night I would say he was in a better mood than he has been in a long time...maybe before he had RSV. The steroids really did the trick and we are successfully weaning him off of the albuterol and last night neither one of us had to get up because of a crazy coughing fit. We may actually try and put him back in his crib tonight.
His trick of the week is blowing bubbles and making fart noises It is hysterical so now Chris and I throw a fart noise in to our conversations and then he does it back. So funny.
My chubbster is growing finally! He has been measured twice since his six month appointment since he has been sick and he grew 3/4 of an inch since the 4th of April. I noticed that his gymboree pants that were a bit tight around the waist aren't anymore but never would have guessed he grew that much. His weight has pretty much stayed the same which isn't surprising as he wasn't eating much for a week or so.
Chris and I are also feeling much better. I still sound like a man but I think allergies have a lot to do with it and as I am already on two things there isn't much more I can do right now. The weather channel said we have high pollen again so it's no surprise and maybe with all of the rain we are supposed to get this weekend I will get a reprieve.
We are going to Friendly's tomorrow night with Adam and the girls. Yay! The last time they saw Jax he was only a few weeks old and now he will be sitting in a high chair eating puffs. Time flies!
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago