I don't have stats or pictures yet! I am slacking big time.
This month wasn't an interesting as the past few months. One quick hospital visit for wheezing and an ear infection but other than that Jax has been doing really well. We are still nebulizing him three to four times a day and I am so looking forward to the day that he will start taking his albuterol via an inhaler if this doesn't go away. I had a long talk with his pediatrician last Friday that put me at ease about his whole breathing issue. Well the first thing I didn't know was that an ear infection can cause wheezing. Jax started wheezing pretty bad again last Wednesday but there was nothing else wrong so my first thought was this really is asthma and not reactive airway disease. Bummer. The kid had no fever, wasn't pulling at his ear, nothing but at least now I will know if he is wheezing for no reason it is probably an ear infection. He also told me that the earlier in life they have wheezing the more likely that they will grow out of it so time will tell but he reassured me that as soon as we can get him old enough for more meds there are a ton of preventive things out there for him to take.
He also grew 3/4 of an inch in two weeks at the beginning of April. :fist pump: I knew he would grow taller one of these months. He didn't really gain anything at all but he wasn't eating much with the parainfluenza so I wasn't surprised about that plus once you see his cheeks you will know if he misses a few ounces here and there its not a big deal. Speaking of fat rolls, you can actually see his knees. It is so cute. There is still a huge fat roll over his wrist but I am sure we will get a glance at them one of these months. He still isn't rolling from back to tummy but he rolls from side to side trying to propel his chunky but over. Jax is all star pro at sitting unassisted and playing with toys. I can walk out of the room at this point and not worry about him falling over which is fun. He is so much more portable now. I love having him sit in a high chair when we go out to eat, he is hysterical. Actually I love all of it, it is so much fun!
We took our first family trip to the beach this weekend and I forgot my memory card for my camera. DUH! I ran to a few stores and ended up with a disposable and it is really hard to find anywhere around me that develops those anymore but I will continue my quest tonight because I am sure there are some adorable pictures on there. He seemed to like the sand and was on a quest to eat it of course. We laid on the beach for an hour or so and then shopped on the boardwalk and went to the outlets. Our summers always seem to fill up so this year Chris and I are going through our calendar and marking off days we are going and that will be the end of it so it won't be like every other year and we wonder where our summer went in September.
I am currently on my third round of steroids, antibiotics, and a new allergy medicine. This spring has already been a ever living loving disaster where my allergies are concerned. I just can't clear out. It's annoying, if this doesn't work then they are sending me to an allergist. In birth control news my IUD is fantastic, my period finally stopped and never started back up. Yay! I am still having an iron issue so I need to run in for blood work again next week to see where we are at. My little OCD/anxiety issue has now also calmed down between going off of the pill and starting a low dose med. It is so nice to have your mind not running a million miles an hour worrying about bad things. Not counting is nice too plus my bitchiness level has gone way down so I am sure everyone around me is thankful that I sought out some help.
Back to work! Have a good day!
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago