The good news is that my skin looks pretty bad today so he will actually be able to see what is going on. 9 times out of 10 when I go my skin is clear, isn't that always the way.
The not fun thing is getting my moles biopsied. I don't think I have any that look too terribly disturbing to me at this time but truthfully I didn't think my carcinomas looked disturbing either so who really knows. We are supposed to be hanging out by the pool this Saturday for my birthday but depending on how many I need to cover we might need to go to plan B.
I hate my skin, thank god Jax seems to have either Chris' or my dad's skin tone.
I love, love, love my new dermatologist. He had the inside scoop about the old dermatologist and it wasn't pretty. He was cleaning the utensils off but not sterilizing anything. OMFG, EWWWW, I feel like I need to shower. His own nurses are the ones who turned him in.
He only biopsied one mole but said he is 99% sure it is another basil cell carcinoma. Even though basil cells are slow growing and have almost a 100% cure rate I still hate hearing "it is cancerous." He gave me a few options to treat it and since scars are the least of my worries I told him I just want it excised vs doing a topical lotion. The lotions are obviously harsh and the cure rate is not as high. It isn't low by any means but just not as high. If at some point I start getting more carcinomas we may have to think about radiation but I am not even going to think about that but he was trying to ease my mind and he did.
We talked for a good 20 minutes about all of the excisions my old dermatologist did on my atypical moles. He blames UPenn for it, that is their way of teaching and he said any good dermatologist will not excise atypical moles. They only have a 1 in 10,000 chance of becoming a melanoma. Watch it of course but other than that there is no further treatment that needs to be done. I could just cry looking at the scars on my arm knowing I don't need to look like Frankenstein. He said he felt awful for me when he saw the one on my forearm as the scar spread, is still indented, and I still have little feeling between the scar and my wrist. At the end of the day though it is a good thing this all happened because I would have stayed with the other guy trusting taking them all out was the best thing and it isn't.
He also stated Hawaiian Tropic, Banana Boat and NoAd are the worst sunscreens you can buy. He suggests Nuetrogena, Aveeno, and Target brand. Also, if I were his wife he would have me in a rash guard when we go to the beach and even though Jax appears to have Chris' skin he still has half my genetics so he would keep him in one as well.
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
3 days ago