Little man was doing so well that he was off of all of his medications except for singulair. That went well for all of two weeks and then he started sounding like hell again. Daycare called me twice to pick him up within the span of a week so we back to the doctors. He is hoping it is just a summer virus aggravating the issue and that it is not allergy related. We are giving all four meds two weeks to work, then we will wean him again and see what happens. Time will tell.
You know my kid that was so good with the nebulizer? Yeah, not so much anymore. I have to hold him down now with my legs because he refuses to sit for it. I think he got so used to not having to do it anymore that he just isn't having it. Bummer dude.
Kid is growing like a weed!
Height- 32.5 inches
Weight- 24 lbs
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago