Today was my first visit with the RE. My husband couldn't come because he doesn't get a lot of time off of work, so my friend came with me because I thought I was going to need some moral support.
We met with the coordinators, the medical assistants, billing, and the doctor. They were all very friendly and did their best to make me feel at ease. The RE agrees with my pain doctor that the reason for my pain problems and infertiltiy is because I have endometriosis. Luckily he wants to jump right in and do the surgery to see what is going on in there and remove what he can and see what condition my tubes are in. He said even if they are clear, they could still be damaged and he will only know that by doing the surgery. The only bummer is that I am going to have to wait 6 to 8 weeks to get it done and even then the nurse wasn't sure of what the vacation schedules of the doctors are like yet. I am guessing I won't be getting the surgery until August. Until then, Chris and I both have to get some bloodwork done but other than that we just wait until the surgery.
The RE did mention IVF possibly being our only option depending on what condition my tubes are in. My insurance covers only three. Three shots at ever getting pregnant, and that is it. Wow, I can't even wrap my head around that. He did say not to worry until the surgery is done and then we will talk about options after that.
I do know from my research that many women with endometriosis go on to just using fertility drugs and IUI's to get pregnant. It appears that the medical world is still unclear on how endometriosis affects a woman's fertilty. In some cases it makes her infertile, in others it doesn't. Let's all pray that I end up in this category. Insurance covers all of the meds and IUI's are only $200 a pop so we could even pay those out of pocket no problem if we had to.
Or maybe I don't have endometriosis at all and we are just unexplained, who knows. I hate that I have to wait 2 more months at least to find out!
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago
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