My uro appointment went great on Friday afternoon. I had two consecutive clear urnie cultures so that's a definite positive. I don't think that has happened in over a year so I am doing the happy dance about that. I am not going to do the herapin cocktail as it just too expensive plus the whole cath/uti issue.
My husband is being a total pain in the ass. He has been in a mood for weeks now. Snippy constantly then tells me I have an attitude problem. I know there has been a major slow down at his work and he is worried about that. He has let himself go and he rarely goes to the gym anymore. Everything is a huge deal for him. Fixing the house, his business, yada yada's always my life is so awful. It sucks to be me. So last night I finally had enough and we had a nice little screaming match which is totally ridiculous but he would not talk like a civilized person. I told him he needs to prioritize and then pair down what he is doing. Now he wants to have a heart to heart tonight. I realize he is pretty down, maybe even depressed, it wouldn't be the first time I have seen him depressed and he needs to get some help. He told me last night I should just deal with his moods, but I don't think so. When I was depressed over the IF stuff he got me right into counseling and it has helped so much, so no me dealing with him is not going to happen. That's about it for now.
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago
Have you ever had a lap? I'm assuming yes, since you have the dx of endo. I too was given the dx of IC, and after years and years on back to back UTIs/flare-ups, I had a lap in September 07, stage 4 endo removed and I have not had a flare-up/UTI since. It is so wonderful! I just saw the two dxs and thought I would mention what I had experienced.