Wednesday, May 6, 2009


That's my FSH level on day 10.  I passed the clomid challenge!  Woohoo.  I know this doesn't mean 100% for sure there is nothing wrong with my eggs but it is still promising.  Day 2 labs- all good, antral count- better than ever, and now I passed this.   I will be happy to never look at another clomid pill again, the 100 mg totally kicked my ass and my mood swings were out of control.  Totally out of control.

I go back tomorrow for another consult and I am hoping there we will talk about what protocol I will be doing with our next IVF.  I also find out if we are going to try this month since we did the clomid or if we will just let it go.  I am fine with letting it go and having sex if we want to.  We have done clomid, IUIs and IVF, its sort of hard to get your hopes up about 100 mg of clomid.

1 comment:

  1. Great number! I'm really happy for you. I hope you get to have purposeful sex....but meaningless sex is awfully fun.....
