It looks like a freaking breeze compared to my last one! I did the long lupron for IVF #1 and I ended up on lupron for six weeks and bcp for three because I didn't suppress correctly.
This is the breakdown of my IVF cycle and the cycle before:
Get period, start low dose steroid, have office monitor me until I ovulate
7-10 days of bcp starting after ovulation to synch hormones
Get period
Start stimming with Follistim on day 3
Add in menopour and granilex as needed
Trigger in the RE's office
Start on PIO on cottonseed oil, progest. supp, and Vivelle patches(jeez, that's a lot of hormones post ET)
1000 mg of Vitamin C starting today
And that's it! By a quick calculation I think I will have to do 60 less shots with this protocol then with my last since we aren't suppressing me with lupron. Woot woot.
I believe we are going to start suppressing not this cycle, but next. With my long ass cycles that will probably put us into September which is fine so we can enjoy the rest of our summer without having to worry about pinpointing my ovulation.
Everything is ordered, paid for, and will be sitting in our fridge for when we are ready for it.
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago