The good news is that my arm is finally healing. I swear I am going to post all of my mole procedure pictures one of these days. Six of them look great, but the one on my forearm where the stitches were taken out too early still looks like hell on wheels. EVERYONE comments on it and it is getting annoying to say the least.
The other news is that I guess I am healing from the d&e. This weekend wasn't pretty, I was having awful pain in my lower abdomen. Going to the bathroom was absolute torture as was standing up. Luckily that part had died down and now the whole area just aches. No bleeding or spotting to speak of so that's a plus.
I have googled "pregnancy loss genetic issues" about a million times now and really never come up with much besides the balanced/unbalanced translocations. Everything else seems to be chromosomal, which from what I was told are just flukes. I have alredy been tested for everything on the rpl and all that came back with was one MTHFR mutuation which is not enough to cause any problems. Ten more days until we find out for sure what happened...
In other news, if 40k dropped into my lap I would never do IVF again and we would adopt. We could take out a loan, but a loan payment plus daycare would pretty much kill us financially. I have zero desire to do IVF again to just go through another miscarriage. Maybe I am just down on myself but I truly have zero faith in my body ever doing this correctly. I just read a post today on SAIF about how many of the women felt like it would never happen for them. So many of them had actual diagnosis' and I can't say that I felt more hopeful reading any of the posts. Maybe if we just knew what was wrong I would be a tad more optimistic. Having genetic issues just sounds frigging awful and I know that my IVF will have to go 100x better to even make PGD worth it. But at the end of the day we don't have the money, we do have insurance so I mind as well suck it dry. Well we would suck it dry, but I used up all of my sick time with the d&e. Fun times people, fun times.
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago