I finally got my period plus some this weekend! My bed looked like someone was murdered when I woke up Sunday morning, poor Chris didn't even get a chance to sleep in since I had to strip it and clean it. It was lovely. Anyway it should be over in a few days and that will be that.
The good news is that I had already made an appointment for Monday to search for my missing period so I went in today and we changed it to a day 3 appointment. My antral follie count is around 20(go me!), no cysts, and I will find out later what my FSH is this cycle. I should hear back from the IVF coordinator later today what exactly is going to go on for this cycle since I am not sure if I have been ovulating ever since the last IVF. My cycles have been 40+ days each time so I am not really sure if they are going to start me on stims now as my nurse suggested or if we are going to wait until I ovulate and then start the bcp. I'll update when I hear more.
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago
congrats on your period! (that sounded weird, but you KWIM)