Monday, November 30, 2009


Bad things happen when obliterated, things like falling down the stairs...twice. Yep, I managed to fall down the stairs not once but twice at the Springsteen concert. My wonderful, not quite as drunk husband took care of me that night. If it were not for him, I would probably still be lying on a bench crying my eyes out. One week later and I am still rocking a air cast and one crutch! I now realize I just can't hang with the Buffalo gang, they are professional drinkers and I am just a novice.

My plans for shopping at midnight again on Black Friday went out the window as I went flying down the stairs but I still got some pretty excellent deals online that morning. I also grabbed some cyber Monday deals and the family is officially done. Chris made out like a bandit with all of the deals I found online, I think he is going to be pleased. As far as presents for me go, Chris bought me a nook. Unfortunately it is sold out and I won't get it until January but that gives me plenty of time to start downloading pdf e-books! He also surprised me a with a bracelet we have been eying up for quite a while for our anniversary(this Thursday). We are notorious for giving presents early, but since mine won't be in until January and his are hidden we may make it until Christmas.

In other news, Chris told me yesterday that he definitely does not want to adopt. This actually came to no surprise to me at all, so I was not outwardly upset about it which confused him. I think I came to the conclusion a while ago that adoption is not at all for him so it is not an option for us. He also said he doesn't want to look into donor eggs which did shock me because he was always gung ho about that and I wasn't. Hmm....who knows. I have an appointment on Wednesday with the RE to go over my last IVF cycle and to talk about my 40-50 day long cycles. Chris is coming with me so I will have another perspective on what the doctor says since I tend to only look at the negative.

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