Friday, December 18, 2009


No catchy post title for today, just some quick updates.

I met with the NP yesterday at my clinic for my nutritional intake. I thought they said I was meeting with a nutritionist but I must have heard them incorrectly. Anyway, we found out through this cool breathing machine that my body burns 2040 calories a day resting. Wow! I would have though it would have been around 1200 calories a day. Go kick ass metabolism. My BMI is on the high side of normal and my body fat is low which is interesting...guess you can't always use BMI as the be all, end all!

My basic nutrition plan is to keep sugars low, eat good carbs only, eat 600 more calories a day, and keep the carb/fat/protein ratio at 40/30/30. I am switching from using to as it is easier to track ratios on fitday. (I will have to say though that is still my favorite in case you are looking for a site to help you along with weight loss) I am so used to eating around 1500 calories a day, I have no idea how I am going to healthily bump it up and it amazes me that on paper at least I should be able to eat more and stay the same weight. We will see how this goes in the upcoming weeks. One quick side note is that she most certainly does not want me restricting carbs as much as my mentor did since I am on the low side of everything as it is.

I did have a minor freak out at the office when I realized I was supposed to have a packet of paperwork filled out for the nutritional intake....and you guess it, the IVF coordinators never sent it to me. I basically started tearing up and shaking a bit because I just can't take them. How can you not get something as simple as sending out a packet correct? Not having it wasn't a huge deal although I didn't know why I was waiting in the lobby for so long and I was supposed to bring along a snack since I had been fasting for 16 hours. There was also an extra charge to use the machine and all of this was explained in the packet. So I sat there for another hour and a half with nothing to eat because I wasn't told and if you know me...if I am starving you can bet I am a bit bitchy. Now I should not be shocked as I never even got IVF instructions from them last time but I was. Ugh. I need to realize that everything they do will be wrong and to just roll with it. I called the satellite office this morning and joked with them about how I just can't take being at the main office. They laughed and said they loved me and that its just the coordinators, not me.

After the NP had me lay all of my issues with the coordinators out on the table I actually had an enjoyable visit. I am going to follow her and my mentor's advice and try this for a few months to see if I start getting my period again. If I don't well then this at least should make my ovarian environment the best it can possibly be. IVF plus arthritis plus winter is a bad combo anyway so we most likely would have waited until spring to try again anyway so it all works out. I go back for a follow up in three weeks where I get to use the metabolism machine again to see if my resting calorie intake per day goes up or down. If you follow the diet but gain no lean mass it should go down, but if you gain a lot of lean mass it may actually go up.

I also emailed my RE this morning and asked him about putting me on metaformin to see if it will help with my egg quality the next time we do IVF. We will see what he says about that . My mentor told me to always just email him directly with any we will see if he was alright with that. I just saw him two weeks ago and don't want to waste more time and money just to ask one question.

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