Jax had his 4 month check up on Tuesday and is doing great! His stats are as follows...
Height- 23.9 inches-6th percentile
Weight- 14 lbs 5 oz- 25th percentile
Head Circ- 42nd percentile
I take all of these measurements besides the weight with a grain of salt and here is why...they never do it right! At AI Dupont last week they said he was a few mm short of 2 feet tall and when the nurse measured him he said he was only 23 inches. When the doctor remeasured she realized the nurse was .9 inches off. The head measurement is a whole other ball of wax, I almost laugh watching him the nurse to measure my kids noggin. It is all so seamless when we go to AI so I take their measurements.
Jax is now officially a crib sleeper! Daycare decided to transition him this week into his crib and he did great, he must have his dad's sleeping habits. We have both mattresses propped up and he is doing well with his most recent cold and reflux issue. I need to lower the mattress a little at home because he got himself sideways last night and rolled into the side of the crib. Oops. The only time he woke up after that incident at 9 was at 4:30 so I went in and gave him his bink and by the time I came back in with the bottle he was asleep on side and slept for another hour and a half. Now we will only be using the rock n play for play at our house and when he needs to sleep at grandma's since it will still be a while before he can lay flat in the pack n play.
We are now also rocking solids as of our GI appointment last week. Jax's favorite...sweet potatoes. The child screams bloody murder if you take his sweet potatoes away before he thinks he should be done with him. He has also had bananas and apples but he didn't like those nearly as much as he likes his oatmeal and sweet potatoes. I love watching this kid eat! Who knows why but I think it was such an easy transition since he has had thickened formula pretty much since day 1 so we have had no issues getting him to eat.
My period still hasn't stopped so that is a bit of an issue. I went to the doctor for an ear ache last week and she decided to get some blood work done to see if there was anything more going on and to check my vitamin levels. They came back and I am iron deficient, low on B12 and vitamin D. There were a few other issues on there that the doctor chalked up to the overall hyperemesis wearing me down and the cold virus I can't seem to get rid of. I am now on iron supplements, B12, B complex, vitamin D, a multivitamin, and vitamin C to help the iron absorb. He also has me drinking green tea and eating more veggies to help boost my immune system back up. My new pcp said that if my period doesn't stop soon I am well on my way to becoming anemic and will have even more symptoms so I call the gyn. They said to just stay on that pill for two more months and I asked if it was ok since I am having iron issue. They ask me how I could know that...to which I wanted to reply "didn't you listen to my message that stated I went to the pcp and they tested my iron levels" but I did not. I calmly told her and she said "well we don't have any other options for you."
Ok, I know I am a pain patient. Years of pill switching since most make me sick, IF for 4 years and then a shitty pregnancy but come on, we are getting close to finding a good pill for me. This dose doesn't make me nauseous so if this doesn't taper off I am sure there is something with a similar dose I can try. Hell, I even found a website that offers other pills based on the one you are on plus the side effect you are having. Needless to say I sent in my release form to have my records sent to me since I no longer work in that town and there is no reason for me to go a half an hour south for doctor's who can do nothing further for me in the birth control realm. With all we have been through it is silly I am on bcp but they want me on it because of the endo and I can't chance getting pregnant and having hyperemsis again. ever.
The best news of the day is that Chris was offered a promotion. Yay, he didn't get the salary he wanted but with all of the budget issues the state is having we will take what we can get at this point.
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