Friday, September 30, 2011

Birthday party pics

What we have learned in the past two weeks is that a teething Jax is not always a happy Jax.  He now has four on top, two on the bottom, and we think we can feel something going on with molars but he is such a spaz when we try and look that we don't bother!  Needless to say he wasn't that happiest boy at this party but there were also no major meltdowns so all in all it was a success!

It's possible I went overboard

Not amused
We had quite the turnout
About a minute later the smash cake fell on the ground :)

Goldfish favors- Besides the fish that were put into ponds they were all dead two days later, LOL!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hand update!

The EMG was not awful, not pleasant by any stretch of the imagination but not awful.   After quite a few pricks, pokes, and shocks it has been confirmed that my current hand issues has zero to do with my nerves or muscles.   Yay!  That is the result the pain doctor and I suspected but it is good to have confirmation.  The doctor did explain to me that the average person has a forearm length of 24 inches and mine is only 18 and that petite people are more prone to issues similar to what I am having plus then throw in the arthritis factor and it's all over.  Onto the hand specialist in two weeks to try and come up with a better game plan but I am stoked for no surgery.  

I have been on the new anti inflammatory for over a week now and I have noticed an increase in acid reflux:(  I see my GI doctor at the end of next month and am wondering if maybe we need to go to a different reflux med instead of switching anti-inflammatory drugs.

In other news the Verizon business worked out.  They do have a deal if you are going from basic to smartphone so I just had to sign a new contract which we are going to do in December anyway and I got the 2 yr price plus $100 for trading in my old phone.  I went with the iPhone because the Droid 3 is out of stock and I am glad it turned out that way.  I was worried I wouldn't be able to type which was why I wanted the Droid but I got the hang of it in just a few minutes.   Now that I have it I am not sure where it has been all of my life and I would be shocked if Chris didn't go smartphone soon since he can upgrade now.

Jax and I are off to Buffalo this weekend to visit granny.  Hopefully I will have a few good pictures to come home with!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Work shifts between being completely insane and insane lately.  The higher ups keep asking us what is going and we have no idea.  No major companies have laid off in the area lately, the unemployment extension denials have leveled off, so we just can't pinpoint why we have so many new clients.  I am doing much better at leaving work at work and what doesn't get done, doesn't get done without it effecting my life too much.  All in all work seems to be on the up and up and we all know my job is secure.  LOL.

I am going to pop a cap right in Verizon's ass.  I have had an issue with my phone since we bought it a year and a half ago.  They have replaced the battery, the back half of the phone and have done numerous in store fixes.  Well it is finally not holding a charge at all and it completely died when I was out this weekend.  Now if it was just Chris and me this would be ok and I would just wait until I am due for an upgrade in December but with Jax that isn't going to work.  I went to the store and they stated that I can upgrade(plan and phone) but they have nothing in stock.  I go online and it is saying that while Chris can upgrade, I can't.  I talk to customer service and they say that whatever I buy I have to pay full price for and that the store was wrong.  At the end of the day it will be cheaper for me to cancel and get service somewhere else than to buy a phone for full price.  This annoys me for several reasons- we have had the same contract for 8 frigging years and in my head this should mean something although I know it doesn't.  The "just because" on why Chris can upgrade and I can't and the fact that I have had issues the whole time and they have been unable to fix it.

That's about it.  Little man has a cold but same as last time he seems to be getting over it pretty quickly.  It is so hard to get him to sit still four times a day now for breathing treatments but we are doing the best we can.  I have no recent pictures because I forgot to upload them onto shutterfly:(

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How is it already September?

I was doing so good updating my blog for a while there!  Then our team of 7 at work went down to 3 and I barely have time to pee during the day.

Jax's updates are that he is 11 months old, holy cow!  The invitations for his first 1st birthday party(yes, this is what I put on the invitation and never realized it) were sent out and I think it is going to be freaking awesome!  I don't really have any of the "oh shit, my baby is turning 1" sadness.  I have the "bring it on, he is so much fun" attitude.  Since my last update he is giving high fives, standing and clapping until he realizes he is standing on his own and grabs onto something, saying dada to everyting, up at the correct times, and oh which I believe his version of uh-oh.  He also whistles which everyone finds hysterical and is just generally adorable.   Sign language is still a total fail but we tried.

My update is that I need to see a hand specialist next month.  My hands still hurt, at first we thought it was just pregnancy swelling and overuse but at my last appointment my doctor noticed my wrists are still swollen and the pain I am having doesn't sound like carpal tunnel.  So next week I am having an EMG and then I see the specialist on the 5th.  My last hand x-ray was done a few years ago and there wasn't much degeneration at that point so it could just be worsening arthritis or something with one of the other nerves.

I also came off of my old anti-inflammatory and was put on a new for me, old school one called Melaxican(sp). I just started it last night so I know I need to give it some time but my hands hurt so bad last night I could not undo the knot in my pants and Chris had to do it for me.  This flipping rain is also not helping the situation so it has really been hard to tell what is what lately.   A little note to any other moron who stops her NSAID because she feels so good-yeah don't do it.  I could barely walk by the end of the week but that is how I figured out what was bothering my stomach so it all worked out but it is not advisable for the love of god.  What was I thinking?

I will leave you with some pictures of Jax's first black eye and the two bruises that followed this weekend-
First bruise trying to climb up the stairs at foxys

Second bruise trying to climb a bookshelf
The third one was right in the middle but very light thankfully.