I was doing so good updating my blog for a while there! Then our team of 7 at work went down to 3 and I barely have time to pee during the day.
Jax's updates are that he is 11 months old, holy cow! The invitations for his first 1st birthday party(yes, this is what I put on the invitation and never realized it) were sent out and I think it is going to be freaking awesome! I don't really have any of the "oh shit, my baby is turning 1" sadness. I have the "bring it on, he is so much fun" attitude. Since my last update he is giving high fives, standing and clapping until he realizes he is standing on his own and grabs onto something, saying dada to everyting, up at the correct times, and oh which I believe his version of uh-oh. He also whistles which everyone finds hysterical and is just generally adorable. Sign language is still a total fail but we tried.
My update is that I need to see a hand specialist next month. My hands still hurt, at first we thought it was just pregnancy swelling and overuse but at my last appointment my doctor noticed my wrists are still swollen and the pain I am having doesn't sound like carpal tunnel. So next week I am having an EMG and then I see the specialist on the 5th. My last hand x-ray was done a few years ago and there wasn't much degeneration at that point so it could just be worsening arthritis or something with one of the other nerves.
I also came off of my old anti-inflammatory and was put on a new for me, old school one called Melaxican(sp). I just started it last night so I know I need to give it some time but my hands hurt so bad last night I could not undo the knot in my pants and Chris had to do it for me. This flipping rain is also not helping the situation so it has really been hard to tell what is what lately. A little note to any other moron who stops her NSAID because she feels so good-yeah don't do it. I could barely walk by the end of the week but that is how I figured out what was bothering my stomach so it all worked out but it is not advisable for the love of god. What was I thinking?
I will leave you with some pictures of Jax's first black eye and the two bruises that followed this weekend-
First bruise trying to climb up the stairs at foxys |
Second bruise trying to climb a bookshelf |
The third one was right in the middle but very light thankfully. |