The EMG was not awful, not pleasant by any stretch of the imagination but not awful. After quite a few pricks, pokes, and shocks it has been confirmed that my current hand issues has zero to do with my nerves or muscles. Yay! That is the result the pain doctor and I suspected but it is good to have confirmation. The doctor did explain to me that the average person has a forearm length of 24 inches and mine is only 18 and that petite people are more prone to issues similar to what I am having plus then throw in the arthritis factor and it's all over. Onto the hand specialist in two weeks to try and come up with a better game plan but I am stoked for no surgery.
I have been on the new anti inflammatory for over a week now and I have noticed an increase in acid reflux:( I see my GI doctor at the end of next month and am wondering if maybe we need to go to a different reflux med instead of switching anti-inflammatory drugs.
In other news the Verizon business worked out. They do have a deal if you are going from basic to smartphone so I just had to sign a new contract which we are going to do in December anyway and I got the 2 yr price plus $100 for trading in my old phone. I went with the iPhone because the Droid 3 is out of stock and I am glad it turned out that way. I was worried I wouldn't be able to type which was why I wanted the Droid but I got the hang of it in just a few minutes. Now that I have it I am not sure where it has been all of my life and I would be shocked if Chris didn't go smartphone soon since he can upgrade now.
Jax and I are off to Buffalo this weekend to visit granny. Hopefully I will have a few good pictures to come home with!
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago
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