Chris and I did go ahead and by the above ground pool yesterday. Let me tell you about what a bitch this thing was. We set it up in one area, and after there was a few inches of water in there we realized that it needed to be moved. We then emptied it out using the drain but the last inch had to be bailed out by me of course. Chris could not help with his wrist so he was inside playing Halo. I was pissed, all sorts of pissed. I did finally get it emptied, my back is now killing me but at least it is done. Then we move it and as of this morning it was full. I put money aside for our I am sure outrageous water bill. Tonight we are going to throw in the chemicals and turn on the filter.
To add to the white trashiness of the situation we also bought a blow up beer pong table that goes in the pool. I am so looking forward to playing that sucka.
Update: It had to be frigging drained because when we got back form work yesterday it was sinking into the ground! We have a few options. One option is to take it down, level the ground even more than it already was and put pressure treated wood under each beam. The second option is to just take it down and try again next year. The third option is to take the stupid thing back. I called the store this morning and they said that would not be a problem at all. I am leaning towards taking it back but I think Chris wants to try and fix it one more time. I am so sick of it because 1) my back, neck, legs are still sore. I haven't been this sore in months. 2) my hands are all cut up from bailing out the water 3) we already spent somewhere around $400 in the wasted water, we can at least get the money for the pool back so we only use $400, not $700.
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago