Girl's night was Saturday night and let me just tell you, we had a blast. We all struck out big time at the casino but all was well as it was their first time there so it was fun anyway. Then we went home, played two rounds of scene it and then started drinking. This is where it got entertaining because we decided it would be fun to play drunken karaoke. I wish that we had a video camera because I am sure it was pretty freaking funny. We finally went to bed around two. I haven't had that much fun with the girls in quite a long time.
Well, we know how Father's Day usually goes in our house...not good since Chris' dad is the biggest douche alive and we don't even speak to him anymore. But...this year it wasn't so bad. We went to my parent's house and just lounged around all day. We played cards in the pool for a few hours, played a few rounds of scene it on the xbox, which by the way my mother loved and I am sure is buying one today for the house, and ate like only we eat on holidays. It was fun and relaxing.
Casey and I went a few rounds at the house which is different for us. I asked her months ago to come to our girl's night on Saturday and she said that she couldn't because she had to work. No big deal. Then I talk to my dad on Saturday and he said that she is having a party at her apartment tonight. Uh, ok. So instead of her saying that she couldn't come down because of gas or that she just wanted to do her own thing she gets this frigging attitude with me about how she can do whatever she wants. I of course then call her a bitch, because she is and told her that I was not going to bother inviting her over anymore. Then she says she has been to my house twice since we have lived there. We have lived in our house for almost three years and a half years now. Big freaking deal. It's only 45 minutes away and we are up there at least once or twice a month. It's like she went to college and became an asshole. Last week she was fighting with my brother because her watching his dog was cutting into her partying. She also refused to pick us up at the airport which is 20 minutes from my parent's house because if she went out she wouldn't want to get up. When we came home from the airport, her and her boyfriend were just sleeping at the house. And she wants me to take off work to help her decorate her house next month. I don't freaking think so. Chris has been saying for a while that she is turning super selfish and I keep saying it's a college phase, and I hope to god that it is because I just can't get into her right now. Also, I am having my girl cousins over the night before the 4th since they live eight hours away and I thought it would be fun for just us to hang out. Yeah, she isn't coming down to that either. Ugh, was I an asshole like this in college???
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago
sorry to hear that, i know you and Casey are close. I can def say you didn't act like that, and i'm sorry she is going through that now, but she is a great person and i know she will come out of it soon enough.