We have a lot of stuff going on this week. I called the IVF coordinator this morning to come up with some sort of time table and we will also find out when we our injection classes will be. Besides through my blog we are no longer going to discuss when we are doing what with people in regards to our IF. I don't mind questions if you actually want to know.
I have decided not to go back to school to become a paralegal. With the economy in the shitter and me having a secure job with a pension there is no reason to stop working for the government. I am going to go back though and get my masters in business administration. I am going to have to take three undergrad courses before I can start the masters program. I figure this is good because it will get me back into the swing of things with school and I should also be able to tell through them whether I will like the program or not.
The only issue I see so far with all of this is that it is going to be difficult to get a recommendation for an old professor. Two of my criminal justice professors died while I was in school so that cancels them out. I went to a huge school so I never had one on one time with any of my teachers, plus I graduated over five years ago. This weekend I am going to come up with a letter to write them and I will include my transcript and my resume and hopefully they can come up with something. I am assuming this may be a regular thing for them since the school was so big. We will see.
The other minor worry is that I won't be able to obtain school loans because of the ecomony but again we will see what happens. Worst comes to worst I can take one class a semester for now and just pay cash.
This weekend we are hopefully putting in the new water heater and then almost everything in the house will be under five years old. I am so excited! House renovations really wear on you after a while but again it was so worth it.
We are going to the bar on Friday night to see Burnt Sienna. Chris and I saw them several times and college and they were always great. We haven't been to the bar in so long so I am really looking forward to it, plus we have a long weekend which is always nice also.
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago
Good luck with getting everything prepared for school. Also- have fun at the bar with Burnt Sienna. I used to see them at bars a lot in college but haven't seen them in years. I hope you have a good time.