Let's start with talking about Lupron. Holy fatigue batman. I was passed out by 5:30 last night and then barely slept because I was hot flashing. I literally woke up soaking wet at one point. All in all though I will take that over awful headaches and joint pain any day of the week. I only have three more days left of bcp and then I am praying that my acid reflux goes away! I have no idea what it is about me and bcp but the two just don't mix.
Saturday night was supposed to be my girl's night...but only one person showed. I knew two weren't coming because they called so that was all good. The rest just didn't call and didn't show up. When Chris has parties this happens often but never when I have my girlfriends over. I bought so much stuff for the party also and did my best to eat and drink everything on my own. I still had a lot of fun with B so it was all worth it in the end.
Martini sampling night with Chris was also entertaining. Most of the martinis we just took a sip and then chucked it. The only one I ended up liking was a Apple Cinnamon Cider Martini and Chris didn't love any of them. If you like spicy things, then I think the Pumpkin Martini would be good for you. Now I have a ton of schnapps left over and my liquor cabinet is overflowing!
Yesterday we ran to linens n things to check out the liquadtion sale. I would wait a few more weeks before wasting your time going there. 10-30% off just doesn't do much for me! We did get a great flannel sheet/duvet set for half off but that was because it rang up wrong the first time and then the supervisor was getting frusturated with it and it totally worked out in our benefit.
That was it! My mock transfer is on Wednesday! I still do not have some of my drugs so I am hoping they will all be in by the end of the week. I also need to talk with the nurse of Wednesday about the PIO shots and what they think about using the thigh instead of the hip. My hips hurt just to the touch so I can't imagine driving a needle into them. We of course will do it there if we have to, but I read online today that the thigh is also an option.
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago
Sorry the Lupron's giving you a hard time! Is there really a liquidation sale at Linens...?
ReplyDeleteIs it company wide?
(picture meepit..rushing out to the store..)
i hope everything goes well tomorrow, and sorry again about sat :( i really wanted to be there. If you need ANYTHING let me know!!! luv ya
ReplyDeletethe carpet guy is supposed to be here today, but its 1:40 and he hasn't shown up yet >:| getting angry!!