Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I woke up with a rash on my chest and neck this morning! Ugh. So not attractive to say the least. It's not itchy, doesn't look like hives(which I get from time to time), I have not changed detergent/soap/shampoo, and I did not eat anything weird yesterday. It is above and beyond me at this point what the rash is from.

As far as symptoms go I have an upset stomach, sore boobs(going on 2 months now), and cramping/pulling in the ute area. All of these could be from the progesterone plus me getting my period so only time will tell if they are real of fake symptoms!

I only have 4 pregnancy tests left and I am trying to decide how to space them out. I am thinking Friday to test out the trigger, then again on Sunday and the following Tuesday. By Tuesday I will be 10dp5dt so I am thinking that will be more then enough time for some hcg to show up in my system if this IVF worked. Would you space them out differently?


  1. ummm, i just wouldn't use them at all. i would wait for the beta. but since we are talking about you Peachy I think the spacing is fine.

  2. Ugh - I got hives from the PIO too. Am on the PIO in olive oil this time around (Will calls it PIO in EVOO - ha ha). Much much better. Although it could explain my strange cravings for pizza :)

    Hang in there. i am also obsessively testing, but so far it is just torture since I keep getting negatives. at the rate I am going I will run out on Saturday and have to buy one more kit just to confirm that this is for sure a failed cycle.

    Hang in. Hope the olive oil progesterone is easier on your system.

