To tell me that none made it to freeze. Yep, we already knew that. She wasn't sure if the doctor told me exactly what was going on during Saturdays transfer or not. I guess sometimes they don't offer up info about how the other ones are doing not to upset the patient. Who knows.
I also talked to the IVF coordinator who is working on getting us our freeze refund and getting Chris' insurance information straightened out. We can go back basically any time we want to in the upcoming months for our follow up appointment where we can discuss other options. Ouch! The one thing they did tell me that embryo quality is the one thing they can not change.
I will have to say it does look like our IVF journey may be coming to an end if this does not work. Our insurance does not cover PGD or donor eggs and we don't have the extra cash for it. We did talk about adoption over the weekend, but same thing. We don't have 26-30k laying around in an account anywhere. I am sure we eventually will but it will be no time within the next few years. I am just so thankful that we did not put in an offer on the house we liked last month. I could not imagine moving into a much bigger home when it just us and the pugs.
Two good things I keep coming back to:
1) I have not had a UTI for the past year and my IC has calmed down to the point to where sex no longer hurts and I can drink the occasional acidic drink without feeling like my urethra is on fire.
2) I am on no drugs as of today and my fibro is incredibly under control compared to last year.
I am super thankful for both of these, plus my wonderful husband and puggers.
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago
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