No answers just more questions as usual. Among them are....
1. Are my eggs bad or is the high dosages of hormones lowering their quality? My RE really has no clue as I have gotten pregnant on my own 4 times although I did lose all 4 so were those just normal flukes or a result of bad eggs. My hormone levels have always come out fine and I passed the clomid challenge with flying colors.
2. What in the hell am I allergic to? Is it a certain preservative that is causing these massive reactions or something else? For my safety in the future since this was such a large reaction that the medrol is doing nothing for I made an appointment with an allergist/immunologist in November. My doctor is going to work with him to see what I can take if we decide to cycle again with donor eggs in the future.
He did say that histamine reactions in the body don't bode well for trying to get pregnant which seems pretty obvious. If, and this is a big if, we decide to go the donor egg route I would stay on a high dose of medrol the entire time no matter what drugs we think may be safe.
My options:
1. Minimal stimulation cycle- he has only ever done 3 of these and they are not historically very successful. He thinks he will get a better idea if my egg quality is bad vs. is it the meds making it bad if we agree to this option. Although if it doesn't work we would still "try" on our own anyway so whats the point of putting myself through that.
2. Donor eggs/embryos once we find out if I can safely take the PIO without a reaction. This is a possibility, but a way down the line possibility once we have the funds and are in a better mind set.
3. International Adoption- this is my favorite option but again funds are an issue and DH is leaning more towards donor eggs.
4. Live childless- I can't stomach this one right now, but maybe after a few years of not trying and living IF day in and day out it will be something I will be interested in.
So basically thats that. I am trying so very hard to remain positive with all of this and during the day I seem to be doing pretty well, but its such a btch at night lying there wondering how I ended up here.
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