It's no secret that I have had my eye on a new stroller for about six months now. I currently have a Jeep stroller that my cousin refused to sit in(LOL) and a lightweight Graco stroller that was a part of my travel system. The lightweight one was great to use as a part of the travel system but it pretty much sucks on its own and the Jeep stroller is just too big and heavy for me to get in and out of the car on a daily basis. I had my eye on a City Mini but the brand that makes them does not participate in the event so I went with a B.ritax B-Agile. One hand folding, 17 pounds, a huge canopy so little man won't get a sun burn-yep sign me up. I will admit it took me about ten minutes to figure out how to open it once it was closed but I was clearly just having a blonde moment as I didn't see the hook.
We went for a walk when we got home and it lived up to all of my expectations. I could carry it folded in one hand and have Jax in the other. Awesome.
We will be keeping the jeep stroller for trips to the beach as I don't think anything can beat that on the sand. We are most likely going to trade in the lightweight stroller sometime this month and purchase another convertible car seat for my mom's car.
Bye-bye infant carrier, hello stroller.
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