We dropped off Jax at daycare on Tuesday and he was fine, we pick him up and he is in full force vader mode. It was bad, he was so congested but the mucous wasn't flowing at all plus he is wheezing again. I take him to the doctors and it is the same song and dance as last year-too young for allergies, could be a sinus infection with a slight respiratory infection. Lungs are clear which is good, it is all in his airway. He was just on an antibiotic for ten days for an ear infection so I am not sure how much I buy that it is another infection three days after he finished his course. Either way we had gotten him down to only one breathing treatment per day and he really did well for a couple months but now we are back on pulmicort twice a day and xopenex at least three, possibly four times a day until fall, winter, and spring viruses are over. Bummer dude.
As of today we are still calling it reactive airway but I am pretty sure that when he turns one the diagnosis will switch over to asthma. Good news is that with four treatments yesterday he is already sounding much better.
Other good news is that my work is really off the hizzle lately so I decided to not go back and hang out with Jax until Chris was done work. We hit up Borders and bought favors for his party, a mini grover, a 2012 calender, a cookbook, and a Skippy Jon Jones board book. It was 30% off with an extra 15% off for most of it so I would say it was a pretty good deal. I am sort of kicking myself for not picking up a 2 feet tall birthday party elmo and may go back for it but I just couldn't justify the cost even with the discount. Maybe once it goes half off I will check back to see if there are any left.
Then Jax and I walked over to Toys R Us to look at the wagons. I really want one that will fit into the trunk of the Mazda at the very least, the ones that they had assembled were all freaking huge and wouldn't work so I might run to Walmart this weekend to see if I can get a look at the Radio Wagon Pathfinder. From the reviews I read online this is the smallest one, the handle flips under and it fits into most trunks so we will see.
We then strolled over to Cheeseburger in Paradise which was awesome. Jax ate guacamole and pretty much nothing else, I literally just drop spoonfulls in front of him and he picks it up with his hands and eats it. You know the food wasn't great but it was so nice to have an afternoon to just relax with my little man. We did a little more looking around and then went to pick up Chris before we headed home.
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago
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