Jax seems to be getting more confident in his walking skills. He lets go more often and attempts to run towards the dogs. It is so cute! Jax is all but transitioned into the toddler room, ack! They said it usually takes a month but after just a few days he wants nothing to do with the infant room. LOL, what a little ham. On Friday they brought him back to the infant room for the afternoon and when he saw his new teacher walk by he started yelling and reaching out for her. Since everyone is a sucker where he is concerned she scooped him up and took him back to the tods room. This week they are going to attempt nap time on the nap mat and if that goes well I think he will be fully transitioned by next week. Holy shit, he really isn't a baby anymore!
We did go to the Pic.ture People in Cherry Hill this weekend with Foxy and Aunt Casey to get Jax's one year photos done. I am not at all happy with them so I am so glad I kept my appointment for Sunday at the one we usually go to in Delaware. The kid was downright posing for the camera and she managed to get zero shots of him full on smiling. I should have just declined to buy any but I was worried that if next week he happened to be in a mood or something that we wouldn't get any good then either. Here they are-
And a few more pics from the weekend-
Pumpkin picking with foxy and aunt casey
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