An update to my hand situation is that I have two ganglion cysts, one in each wrist because I don't do anything half-assed. The hand specialist was great, it only took him a few minutes and a x-ray to figure out what was going on. Unfortunately because of their location and size he is unable to drain them so for now my only option is pain management. The size and location is also why they are being such a pain, the cysts are pressing on my joints and nerves so the pain all makes sense now. We are all hoping that as Jax becomes more mobile they will shrink and no longer cause all sorts of issues with my hands. If in a year they are still bothering me surgery is an option but it is both hands and there is a 1 in 5 chance it will come back so time will tell what ends up happening there. I was also given wrist braces to wear at night when I am having a lot of pain. So that is that in a nutshell for now. Enough of my bitching, here was Jax this morning!
Teeth 7, 8,9, and 10 are all making an appearance. I noticed this morning that the left bottom tooth in the front popped through over night. His molar gums(?) can only be described as angry looking. No wonder the poor kid was up at 4:40 this morning with his hands in his mouth crying.
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