Height -30.5 inches- 26th percentile
Weight- 22 lbs- 14th percentile
My little man is still a little man:) Everything is trucking along right as it should but it is always nice to hear it from the doctor.
The first, minor issue is that there are constant billing issues. With our insurance the only thing we have to pay at our pcp is a small co-pay, but every single time we go in they are asking for 200-300 dollars. Why you ask, because they suck at using the correct codes. I then have to waste my time getting on the phone with blue cross to find out what codes they should be using. I thought I had his one year old visit fixed(they billed it as a 0-12 month appointment but he was over 1 at the time) and when Chris took Jax they told him they still wanted an additional $215.00. Luckily he told them I would take care of it and come to find out the insurance sent them their check on Dec. 13th. I call them, leave a message, and guess what, absolutely no response back.
So for the second lovely issue. I look at the receipt when I get home and I see they gave him a third flu shot. I call first thing and ask them what happened and if there was a medical reason for it. I know you will find this shocking but they state they can't find his chart but will locate it and look into what happened. NICE. I say that is fine, look forward to hearing from you and can you fax me his shot record so I can look at it for myself. The record was forwarded several hours later but no phone call, still three days later and no phone call. I know the options were a)we failed to record the booster correctly or b)the doctor didn't look at the chart and just assumed he needed it. Right, so why not call, give an excuse and say you are sorry?
Now we have to find another doctor. This will be his third in Delaware. Remember the first office- minor language barrier and they would not allow sick kids in the waiting room and we had to wait in the car for over two hours when the kid had RSV? Then they had us wait an additional hour in the room until I asked what the hell was going on and we were the very last ones to be seen. I could have had him in and out of the emergency room given his age quicker than that. No fucking luck. I have some recommendations and I am going to start calling once his current office refills his asthma meds next month. I will also have to get our records, we all go there, so I hope that won't be a pain in the ass.
time for some pics-
It was 67 out on Saturday so we went to the local school's kiddie park
On Sunday we had our Christmas pictures redone. While we were out on Saturday we saw that a photographer opened up a studio on our Main Street so I went in and talked to him. They were taking down their holiday sets and BUILDING new ones! Holy cow, how did we miss that he opened a few months ago? He is reasonably priced and the sets were as cute as hell. We are going to head over there sometime in the next few months.
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