and seriously how hysterical is that? It took me a minute to locate the legend to figure out what the hell A-Always S-Sometimes and N-Not exhibiting meant but after that I was good to go. The only things Jax is never exhibiting at daycare are 2 word phrases, putting on his shoes and singing along with an adult. Although on the back it says he tries to sing along during story time so I am not too sure and truly don't care about that. The funny things I didn't realize he was doing include pulling up his pants and throwing away his trash. I am going to have to get him a little trash can so he can start doing that at home. He sometimes exhibits empathy which I found amusing for some reason. Oh, my son apparently also talks a lot more at daycare than he does at home. They said he says many words clearly! My parent/teacher conference is next Tuesday so that should be fun times.
Not much else is going on. I am taking him tomorrow for his post tubes hearing test, we are up first so I don't think it will take too long. I will probably take him out for breakfast when we are done. I love taking him out to breakfast, every weekend him and I get up early, go to breakfast and then do our grocery shopping. By the time we get home he is wiped out and takes a nice little nap so I can get everything put away.
I signed up for Birchbox six months ago and was overall pretty happy with the subscription service until this month. An FULL sized item was missing out of my box and from a quick internet search I could easily see that I was not the only one missing it so I have to believe they knew they were missing an item and sent out the boxes hoping not too many people would complain. I shot them an email and received a response three days later saying they are out and that my account would be credit 100 points. Well that is great, but a)you are not out as you are still selling full sized liners on your site and b)I would have much preferred a note in my box saying "sorry, we counted incorrectly and you are missing an item. We will make it up to you next month with an extra sample." Or something other than just ignoring that you ran out. Eh, so I am not thrilled. I looked up glam bags which looked really cool for December but the January bag is pretty blah in my opinion and I generally love my birchbox. For now I am going to stick with what I have and see what comes down the line in the next few months.
I almost forgot! I took Jax to my mom's last weekend and Chris finished the basement, with my help of course. The room is done, the paneling has been moved outside, and the floor is down. A few more pieces of molding need to go up but truthfully if it never gets done it won't be the end of the world, we are most likely going to loose money on the house anyway! I was also given permission by Chris to PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE if he even considers buying a fixer upper again. Thank you baby jesus.
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago
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