Issue #1- I hate blogging/nesting about my insurance. I feel GUILTY that I have it when so many don't. So basically I won't anymore.
Issue #2- I saw that someone on my IF board wrote that IF was the worst thing in the world. Now, I am not talking IF sucks today, I hate IF, ect ect because we all have those days, months, years. This was straight up that IF was the WORST thing. Um, really? Even when I was depressed and hopped up on prozac last year I could still recognize that there were worse things in the world.
Here's a quick list...
terminal cancer, terminal cancer when you are leaving kids behind, ALS, your significant other dying in some horrific way, becoming paralyzed in some horrible accident where now only you can't have kids but you also can't move, nuclear war, regular war coming to US soil, living in a third world country with no clean drinking water, and if I called my father I could come up with fifty other things.
The reason he can think of so many is because he would always remind me this when I was a teen. I wasn't always a happy teen and needed to be reminded sometimes. And if my list isn't convincing enough, then you need to take a trip to your local hospital and take a look around and then search war on google and look at those pictures.
Issue #3- Life isn't fair. It's not and never will be. My husband kills me in this department sometimes or actually a lot. Yes, the economy sucks. It sucks we went to college and can't afford to live in a McMansion, have a ton of kids, and the list goes on and on. Taking my husband and I as an example again lets look at our past
-awful childhood and basically no family for my husband now that he is older
- rape and abuse for me in college
- chronic pain issues, sometimes to the point of where I want to pull out my hair and be alone for the rest of my life because I just can't take it.
-infertility and miscarriages
So really, why would you now expect life to be fair? That just isn't logical. It never has been fair but a lot of good has come also. If I was never raped I would not have met my husband. If my pain levels weren't through the roof some days then I would not be so grateful for the days it isn't. I don't think this is some sort of divine plan at all, it just IS. I am sure as shit if you looked at your life there is a lot of bad, but there is good to. I have to remind my husband of this sometimes on daily basis and then there are days were I tell him I will punch him in the throat if he doesn't stop his shit.
Those are my issues today, feel free to disagree.
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