Friday, April 17, 2009

More good news from the new office

I just got off the phone with the IVF coordinator and their billing department.  First bit of good news is that state employees don't have to pay their program fee!  The program fee was for the injection classes and a few other things, which chances are we won't be attending anyway because we have already been through this so I would have felt like that was a waste of money.  The second is that they do their embryo freezing payment completely different.  We give them a check or credit card number and if there is anything to freeze then they put the payment through.  No waiting for months on end to get our freeze money back, me calling once every other week wondering what the hold up is, ect.  

My insurnace company is calling me back at some point today to let me know how much of my benefit I have left.  I know there is at least enough left for one full cycle so that's all that matters at this moment.  

My one diet change that I am supposed to make is to cut down the sugar and pump up the protien.  That shouldn't be too hard besides my beloved frozen yogurt at night.   I also realized upon some googling that my favorite fruits are the highest in surgar.  Go figure.   

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you got some good news from your new RE! Yay!!!

    I'm trying to cut down on sugar too and its no fun!
