Thursday, April 30, 2009

I am being a baby

I 100% fully realize this.  The clomid challenge is not that big of a deal.  I just called the nurse with my concerns to see if she could alleviate some of them, but really after 3 years I think I knew there was nothing she could say that I didn't already know.  This is what she said

1. Since I respond so well to 50 mg and now have to take 100 mg that we should abstain from sex.

2. I do have to go back on day 13 to make sure that I ovulated.  If I haven't and I have at least one follicle at 25 then they will trigger me.  If not then I have to keep going back every frigging couple of days until I am ready to trigger. 

3. They will put me on bcp the following cycle continually until I get rid of any cysts that I get from the clomid challenge.  I am really not trying to be a debbie downer but every other time I have done clomid I ended up with killer cysts, so there is no reason to think on double the meds that I won't have any.

4. The nurse did say that the doctor can drain the cysts although it hurts, so that is an option if I end up with more than one that won't go away.

At least it's not like I have to wait a long time.  I start it tomorrow, I will know by next Wednesday if I pass or fail, hopefully if I haven't ovulated by Saturday I will at least be ready to trigger, and then two weeks after that I will know what the cyst situation is.


Silver Lining- is that during the month or months that I can't do IVF because of the possible cyst I can lose any weight that I gained while doing the challenge.

1 comment:

  1. I have all my fingers crossed that you pass! I am sorry this is so frustrating. Here's hoping wed. gets here fast.
