Still sick as a dog. Dry heaving all morning long, while getting dressed, driving to work, ect. I spoke with the RE's nurse yesterday and she stated it is probably all from the endometrin and that they could switch me but whatever I get will most likely make me just as sick. My only issue right now is that it is bothering my bladder. I don't think I have an infection, but my IC is definitely flaring. One other thing is fibro. Damn I have not had issues in months but as of two days ago everything is starting to hurt again. My wrists, elbows(this is a new one), knees, it sucks ass.
I am really thinking that if I am not pregnant that I am going to have to have them do something with the progesterone supplements. I can't be this sick every two weeks out of every month until I get pregnant, plus I don't have a progesterone issue anyway. But if we did get pregnant and miscarry again then I would always wonder if it was because I wasn't using the endometrin.
Chris and I are going to take the day off to go the beach and relax on Friday. Things with us have been so hectic but they are finally calming down. I made him an appointment to get his wrist checked out finally so hopefully they can help him out so he can start working out again.
The final thing I have for today is that I got my beta appointment and it is on Friday which puts me 14 days past trigger and 12 dpo. I still have not yet decided if I am going to test that morning or not. I did get my last positive at 12 dpo.
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago
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