I am still waiting to get my period so we can start our next cycle! If I don't get it by Thursday I know that I have to call so they can put me on something to jump start it, but I am hoping writing this blog will do the trick and I will get my period at any minute.
Chris and I talked last night and we are going to finish our three or four rounds of clomid for the year and then take a break so we can go on the family vacation in December/January. We might squeeze the one IUI round in there also so that if next year brings IVF then so be it. The RE doesn't see the point in trying multiple IUI's since we don't have a problem in that arena and because for whatever reason we barely have an IUI coverage but a ton of IVF coverage. Last night Chris called me downstairs to look at a baby name site with him and I thought that was super cute. We have been thinking of boy's names for years and still can not come up with anything. Last night he said that he liked Gabe, and I am not totally opposed to that.
We finally have our label! I have gone through at least five different designs but I think we have now have our winner. I have to run to Staples yet again tonight to grab 1 by 4 clear labels since the 1.33 by 4 labels are a bit too big. Who knew the toughest part of this would be the frigging labels.
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago
I'm glad things have calmed down some. I'm send some period vibes your way!