to share the story of my fall on the fourth of July. Now please keep in mind that this has happened before. I can vividly remember in gymnastics running down the runway and basically run myself into the ground. I am not sure why I do it. My dad said I also did it several times in field hockey. It's like I am running and then out of nowhere my legs give out and I am on the ground.
My mom decided it would be a good idea if all 25 of us go play softball on the fourth. It was actually a ton of fun. When it was my turn up, I actually hit the ball pretty good. As I was running to first, WAM I started falling forward with gymnastics being drilled into my head I tucked into a somersault. All anyone could hear was a loud thump when my head hit the ground. Luckily I have a hard head and only cut it a bit. I also had cuts on my shoulder and feet. I was handed a cold beer to put on my head but I decided to drink it instead.
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago