There has not been anything to report lately. My cycle was only 25 days long(shortest on record, gotta love my body) and I am seeing the RE next Monday for our next step meeting. I still have to remember to print out that article. I seriously need to start up a to-do list again.
My back issues finally cleared up once my period showed up, thank god for that. I also got incredibly sick of my face breaking out after the m/c and clomid cycle so I went out and bought one of those crazy acne kits from Clean and Clear. Let me tell you, that stuff works like a charm for under $20.00. My face is as clear as it has been in quite a long time and of course that is always a good confidence booster. I also bought a stationary bike this week and after we put it together tonight I am going to be rocking that once a day to try and lose some of this IF weight. I think I would be happy with losing five pounds, more would be nice but five is a good start. Plus, who are we kidding it is going to go right back up during the next medicated cycle so if I can at least keep it where it is with extra exercise I think I will be all good.
The vacation plans are not coming along as smoothly as I would have hoped. The ultimate plan was to take the family vacation in December and then start the big IF treatments when we got home. Well, my mom did not like the weather enough on our cruise from two years ago and wants to go somewhere warmer. The plane tickets alone to St. Thomas are a grand a piece during the week between Christmas and New Years so I just don't think that is feasible for us considering we would still have to find a place to stay for a week plus our other expenses. Then the fam is thinking about waiting until May which is so not ok with me either. She said it wasn't that far away and it's not a big deal. That is nine months away. Nine more months that we can't do any IF treatment. I am sorry but that is just too long for me. We will already be well into three years of me being off the pill.
So, we have to wait until the fam makes up their mind on what they are doing and then we can decide what we are going to do. If we don't go away with them we are going to hit up an all-inclusive at the beginning of December somewhere in Mexico which I think would be tons of fun and I want them to make up their minds soon so we can book it!
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago
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