Only one more hour of work left. Thank god! I am not sure what we are doing tonight since Chris is down for the count and so is my bladder so that sort of rules out drinking/going to the bar. I called the urologist today and although my doctor is not in they are going to try and get the doctor on call to prescribe something to soothe my bladder until I can get in to see my doctor next Friday afternoon.
I am very excited to see one of my friend's tomorrow that I haven't spent more than an hour with in a very long time. She is also bringing her new puppy so Buca and Peanut should be mighty worn out by the end of the day.
Now that we know what all of my pain issues are, I am hoping to have a much calmer year this year then last. I realize that with my IC flaring I am not off to a great start but I figure my body is just getting it out of the way. Back to work...or bowling on face book. Peace.
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago
Happy Birthday!