A new study calls into question the use of two common infertility treatments for couples who have unexplained problems having children."
This is the synopsis of a new study out of London about unexplained infertile couples who use clomid and do IUIs. Nice, huh? Pumping my body full of shit that isn't even shown to work. Out of the 580 couples, 23 got pregnant on their own, 26 got pregnant using clomid and 40 got pregnant using IUIs. In the grand scheme of things there is not a statistical difference between these numbers. Of course that is the route you have to take because of the insurance companies. But come on, my bladder is on fire because of a cycle that had no more chance of working then if we had just done it on our own. WTF is up with that?
So obviously Chris and I have a lot of talking to do after my uro appiontment today to decide what we are going to do next. According to my insurance I have to do at least one IUI cycle before we go to anything else. I don't see the point in putting my already battered body though more cycles that are probably raising my risk of ovarian cancer more than they are raising the percentage of me getting pregnant. Fan-fucking-tastic.

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