I had so much fun this weekend, besides the Kate and Chris blowout on Sunday but what can you do. Danielle came down on Saturday morning and we went to La Tonalteca for lunch. There was a hair in her food, so that wasn't good. They did bring out a new hair-free plate in less than five minutes and it was delicious. I will have to say I am not a fan of the new one and will be reverting back to the old La Tonalteca across the street because their service is way better.
Then we were driving home and we saw that the pet portrait people were at Petsmart. She just got a new puppy for her birthday so we swung by to get the pricing information. It was 15 bucks to get Buca and Peanut's picture taken and I thought it was worth it just to watch the guy to get them to calm down long enough to take their picture. Surprisingly enough he was a pro and we got the cutest picture of them. I have to go pick it up on Thursday and then I am going to take it out of the "seal" and scan it into my home computer and order my own prints! So corny and exciting. Buca and Peanut also got at least five new toys this weekend because of the ridiculous sale they were having and because Danielle bought them toys down at the outlets. Of course Buca wants nothing to do with them and is still playing with George's arm.
Krystal, Boo, and Lindsey then came over and we went bowling around nine. I thought it was duck pin bowling but it wasn't! I just used a seven pounder and was able to bowl two rounds. I am sure it has something to do with the fact that I was bombed and it is the summer so my arthritis isn't as bad. There was no alcohol in xbos so we had Chris put vodka in a travel mug and bring it to us so we could drink while we were playing. I thought we were going to get kicked out because the big sign said not to bring in your own food or drink but they never said anything. It was so dead in there I am thinking they were just happy to have the business.
Then after two trips through the Taco Bell Drive Thru we came home. Krystal and I stayed up watching Big Brother after Dark and I passed out on the couch. I didn't wake back up until after five and made my way into my own bed.
Sunday was slightly more interesting. Krystal made breakfast for all of us and then we went to the bookstore. Atlantic books outlet to be precise. Atlantic books is a beach bookstore but all of the things that don't go at the bookstore are sent to the Dover outlet center. The four of us had a cart full of books and we had to be there for at least an hour. It was slightly embarrassing but I bought at least ten hard cover books for fourty bucks. I love that joint.
When we got home we found that a little certain someone somehow ripped the bathroom sink out of the wall and water was leaking everywhere when you used it. So Chris and her husband went out and bought a new sink we finished installing it yesterday. It is freaking gorgeous, I love it. The little one did leave us a message yesterday apologizing which we both thought was totally adorable. Oh well, what are you going to do!
Yesterday Chris and I took off and we went to visit Kayla and Krystal. We went to Milburn Ochards because they have a feeding zoo and buy one get one free milkshakes. We had a blast there also. I will have to post the pics later but Chris and Kayla had a blast feeding the billy goats. We tried to feed the pig but he wanted nothing to do with it and just laid in the mud the whole time. When we got home we finished the plumbing on the new sink and then I cooked dinner. I still have not yet had the nap I wanted to take on Sunday but maybe I will get around to it one of these days!
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago
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