With the neighborhood girls. On Saturday three girls stopped in front of our house and asked to see Buca and Peanut. They always see us walking them but when Buca and Peanut are in walk mode they are in walk mode. They let the girls give them goodies and Peanut did very well. They came back again Monday and I brought them out front. Peanut laid in one of their laps and Buca was just doing his loving thing with everyone. This makes me so happy! They are finally starting to get used to having kids around, it's so fantastic. Peanut is still a little wary at first but by the second day he was all over it. He also seems more at ease if they know his name for some reason.
The thing that worries me is I am starting to wonder what parents are teaching their kids nowadays. We don't really know anyone else on our street besides one family and we only know the man's name and that is about it. These girls actually asked if they could go into our house. We of course said no way, but there is no way in hell when I was a kid I would have stopped at some strange persons house and asked to go inside. Jesus Christ. The second time the kids came over I cut up an apple for them to give the boys and they ate the slices I gave them instead. I do know that a few of them are my old client's kids but I don't think she knows who I am and that I only live a few houses away.
Everytime they leave the first thing I say to Chris is that we are teaching our kids to stay away from strangers. Since when did kids stop learning this?
I realize that I am not a parent and should not even have an opinion on this subject, but I do and if you don't like then suck it. :)
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago
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