Some of you asked where we were going in Ohio. Bumblefuck is the only answer I have for that question. I used to think that Delaware was boring but it is like New York City compared to where my parents live. The nearest mall is 45 minutes away, there is one grocery store, a few bars, and a Walmart. I heard the most interesting conversations while I was there. I heard a man in Taco Bell(the only eat out options are fast food) talking to his mistress saying it would all be a different story if his wife was dead. That was probably the best story I heard when I was there.
We did go see an Ohio State game while we were there. That was fun. We went to Hiney Gate and I had a huge margarita before the game. Casey and I bought buckeye earings and a necklace so that we would fit in with all of the crazy fans. The game was not great because the other team sucked but I am glad that they won.
I did read two books over the three days though so it was nice and relaxing, but almost way too relaxing. I can see why my mom doesn't like it at all there. I would be so bored I am not sure if I could take it. So that was the weekend, I am hoping next weekend in Chincoteague is a little more exciting than this weekend was.
I will have to say that work is a dream compared to what it usually is after missing a day. Before I left on Thursday I changed my voice mail to say I would be back on Monday. I generally have 25-40 messages when I come back and I only had 2! That in itself totally made my day.
On the reproductive front, I am a total moody bitch today. The prometrium is kicking my ass big time. I am 6 dpiui, only 6 more to go and then I think I will test.
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago
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