I am finally back from spending over an hour at the RE's office this morning because they TRIPLE booked the entire morning. Why? I am really not sure but that is the first time I have had to wait there so hopefully it is not a regular occurrence.
I do not have a cyst->good news. The RE thinks that it is just endo pain coming back->not so good news. She said I need to get pregnant ASAP. Duh, thanks lady. After this IUI cycle I am going to call my RE and go over the possible choices of what to do before we start IVF. I think the options are to a) do nothing, b) go back on the pill to slow it down or c) have another lap. I am pretty much up for any of them, but if he thinks that getting c done will up our IVF chances then I am there.
Clomid for me days 5-9 and then I go back next Saturday morning in Newark to see how the follies are coming along. Here is hoping to them being ready by next Thursday or we won't be able to go out to Ohio, or we can and just do TI.
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago
Hey there mother 2 be! I happened to find your blog (isn't google great). My husband and I have been ttc for 3yrs. I was on clomid and had my first IUI on 9/12 and I am going out of my mind waiting for this friday (blood test). So, I can relate. I wish you the best of luck! :)