Then I will be officially done with clomid forever! Even if we have one and then want another the RE said we would just go right to IVF the next time around. I am getting ahead of myself here but it is a nice thought.
Besides crying at inappropriate times I am doing quite well keeping my emotions in check this week. The bloat on the other hand is not in check. Chris and I were laughing when I stood up from lunch today because I was so bloated. I was told that my face looked thinner today and Chris said that is just because my boobs are so huge that my body actually looks proportioned now. He is so sweet;)
My whole pelvic area is sore also and it hurt this morning leaning against the counter to grab a glass. I remember the same thing from last time so I am sure it is fine, just annoying.
Saturday can't come quick enough to see how the follies are doing. I am praying that we get this in by next Thursday morning! If not, for the next IUI cycle I am going to ask that we do it non medicated.
I am really starting to wonder lately what we will do if we never get pregnant. The house is almost complete so there is not as much to do on the weekends. I find lately that everything is just very boring. I guess if we never have any then we won't have to save up money and we can take trips together whenever we want, but then we still have Buca and Peanut so I don't think that would work. I am sure when I start classes up next year things will be busy for a year during the week. It just stinks, while everyone else is doing fun things with their kids, Chris and I stare at each other twiddling our thumbs wondering if it will ever be our turn. I mean you can only go for so many walks in one day. What in the hell do childless couples do all of the time, especially if you don't have unlimited funds?
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 869
5 days ago is my very first day taking Clomid and I am SCARED. I'm going to take it at night to try and avoid some side effects. Does that even work?
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