Thursday, December 31, 2009
Last Day of the Year
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
You ruined Christmas!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Mentor Update
First off let me just say my mentor seems like a really great person. I was told that neither one of these patients he hooked me up with ever had success, but the one I met with already had a child. I will have to admit I was slightly confused and a little shocked that I was told by the doctor that neither ever had a success before. And beyond that I was told the one that I met with never even had a miscarriage, she had absolutely no successes. I am sure he was just getting patients mixed up but I am sure I had a quick holy shit look on my face.
So here were the recommendations...
1. For PCOS patients, drilling before IVF to try and ward off OHSS(great but I don't have PCOS)
2. Taking the eggs early and not trying to wait for the smaller ones to catch up. This is what my RE did with both of his major problem patients. They didn't get as many mature eggs, but the ones that were mature were better quality.(I only stim for 7 days as it is so this wouldn't be an option)
3. Starting ganirlex early in your in day 2 or 3 so you can stim longer and hopefully get better quality. This would be ideal for women like me who only stim for 7 days which most REs don't feel is long enough to get a quality, mature egg.
4.Coasting at the end of stimming as the belief is that some women's ovaries just can't handle all of the stimming and that ruins the quality of the eggs retrieved.
5.Taking dex or even better a Prednisone taper pack before and during IVF. (we already did this)
6.Taking cipro or another strong antibiotic before IVF. The thought on this and the dex is that it will clean you out of any infections that the zpack wouldn't. (we did this also)
In regards to the diet and lifestyle changes my mentor suggested that I read Fertility Foods. Don't bother with it as I can sum it up in one sentence...weight training and a low GI diet to keep your blood sugar level though out the day. My mentor followed this a bit too much in my opinion, the book says nothing about cutting out all carbs but that is what she did.
I picked up Jillian Michael's new book, Mastering your Metabolism(and rebalancing your hormones) yesterday and it does a much better job of explaining insulin resistance, why you should keep your blood sugar level, how you do it. There is also a chapter on all of your hormones, what will happen if they are out of whack and what foods you can eat to readjust. She gives PCOS a decent amount of space and states medications that be the answer if you diet and exercise don't work which I loved(I can't stand the people who claim diet can change everything). Also, I wouldn't even call it a diet as there is no calorie/carb/fat counting involved. I highly recommend reading this book.
Both books stress that weight training is more important for women than cardio.
So I am feeling pretty eh about the whole thing. While these suggestions may help a lot of women who had similar problems(lots of quality eggs, no pregnancy) but I fail to see how I can work any of those in to help me.
What I am excited about is the whole nutrition/exercise aspect. I am way heavier on the cardio then I am on the weight training so it will be interesting in the next month or two to see if my hormones start to balance out at all.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The mentor adventure begins...
In her usual fashion my IVF coordinator is still sucking. To my dismay, they did not get rid of her as they assured me they were going to after all of the issues I had with her during my last IVF. Regardless after a week my clinic now has my email address(although I email with sucky coordinator so how she couldn't find it I clearly don't know) and I am now hooked up with my mentor.
I sent her our story and she emailed a few quick things back and said that she wants to meet soon. She tried for 7 years to get pregnant, some cycles with my doctor, some with Cornell and then she did the out of the box protocol with my doctor(I still don't know what this entails) which resulted in a successful pregnancy. Like us, she is unexplained. Unlike us her embryos always appeared to be good but none of her 10 previous transfers took. So at the end of the day my doctor has "diagnosed" both of us with unexplained egg quality issues.
The one quick thing she did tell me was that she took 6 months off of treatments, started exercising with weight training and cut out a lot of sugar. After a lifetime of irregular cycles, her cycles returned to normal on this regimen which I thought was interesting. She is bringing me a bunch of literature when we meet for dinner and I am going to hear the rest of her story. I do know that my doctor wants me to follow her diet and exercise regimen since they believe this was key to her successful pregnancy. I am really looking forward to this meeting and will report back when I know more...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
All Clear!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Watch out for razor blades
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Hating everything right now
Monday, October 12, 2009
Thanks, but no thanks
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
WTF appointment update
No answers just more questions as usual. Among them are....
1. Are my eggs bad or is the high dosages of hormones lowering their quality? My RE really has no clue as I have gotten pregnant on my own 4 times although I did lose all 4 so were those just normal flukes or a result of bad eggs. My hormone levels have always come out fine and I passed the clomid challenge with flying colors.
2. What in the hell am I allergic to? Is it a certain preservative that is causing these massive reactions or something else? For my safety in the future since this was such a large reaction that the medrol is doing nothing for I made an appointment with an allergist/immunologist in November. My doctor is going to work with him to see what I can take if we decide to cycle again with donor eggs in the future.
He did say that histamine reactions in the body don't bode well for trying to get pregnant which seems pretty obvious. If, and this is a big if, we decide to go the donor egg route I would stay on a high dose of medrol the entire time no matter what drugs we think may be safe.
My options:
1. Minimal stimulation cycle- he has only ever done 3 of these and they are not historically very successful. He thinks he will get a better idea if my egg quality is bad vs. is it the meds making it bad if we agree to this option. Although if it doesn't work we would still "try" on our own anyway so whats the point of putting myself through that.
2. Donor eggs/embryos once we find out if I can safely take the PIO without a reaction. This is a possibility, but a way down the line possibility once we have the funds and are in a better mind set.
3. International Adoption- this is my favorite option but again funds are an issue and DH is leaning more towards donor eggs.
4. Live childless- I can't stomach this one right now, but maybe after a few years of not trying and living IF day in and day out it will be something I will be interested in.
So basically thats that. I am trying so very hard to remain positive with all of this and during the day I seem to be doing pretty well, but its such a btch at night lying there wondering how I ended up here.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Beta was zero
Let's top the last cycle off with an rash
Monday, October 5, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Cooking with Tilapia
Thursday, October 1, 2009
3dp5dt or start of the yuckies
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
What should be going on day by day
1dpt....Blastocyst hatches out of shell on this day
2dpt.. Blastocyst attaches to a site on the uterine lining
3dpt.. Implantation begins,as the blastocyst begins to bury in the lining
4dpt.. Implantation process continues and morula buries deeper in the lining
5dpt.. Morula is completely inmplanted in the lining, has placenta & fetal cells
6dpt...Placenta cells begin to secret HCG in the blood
7dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
8dpt...More HCG is produced as fetus develops
9dpt...HCG levels are now high enough to be immediately detected on HPT
Monday, September 28, 2009
Maybe it's not the end...
So after my doc pulls me off of all of my meds yesterday he called me this morning to tell us that one embryo did in fact self correct and was now at the correct blast stage. He said there were too many cells to count and that it was good quality. He assured me he wouldn't push me to put it back if it wasn't, he said he asked them to self correct and the one did which I thought was cute.
We are shocked but realistic. We did decide over the weekend that we would not try the clomid IVF as my doctor suggested. If this doesn't work then we are going to go on to whatever's next but at least now I have some hope that not every single one of my eggs is intrinsically bad so just maybe if this doesn't work we will eventually get a surprise.
Edit- We transfered it already this morning!
The end of a journey
The doctor called me himself Saturday and Sunday mornings...always a bad sign. All of my embryos cleaved again over night and have become very fragmented. They are going to watch them a few more days to see if they "self correct" but we all know they won't so I am coming off my meds today.
There is no point in trying an overstimulation cycle of IVF again, but he wants us to try a clomid IVF cycle with him. He believes my ovaries just don't have the capability of feeding that many eggs at once. So no shots, no crazy hormones besides clomid, just 2 eggs under the scope. If they all cleave also then its a frigging miracle I got pregnant four times as it is because that would be mean I have an intrinsic egg issue.
Chris and I talked about the clomid IVF cycle a lot over the weekend and we have decided that its not something we are interested in. Minimal stimulation IVF cycles have dismal success rates and to do this just as an experiment isn't a good enough reason for me. At the end we are going to end up with the same response we got from the last doctor, "you may have one good egg in there and you may eventually get pregnant on your own." So why bother going through more ridiculous bullshit.
I am ok during the day but have been crying myself to sleep at night. I can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that I will most likely never ever have children. Never. Insane.
Chris really wants to use a relative's donor eggs years down the line and not an anonymous one. First off, I think its funny that everyone assumes my sister would even offer in ten years or whatever. She is a lot younger than I am, plus who knows how much better her eggs are plus it would be there kid, not mine. Oh, and I mind as well say it now but I hated being pregnant with a firey passion. It is probably because I knew at any minute it would all go to shit so I was never able to actually enjoy it.
I will eventually start to crack open the adoption books, but again money is a major issue. Oh well, we can adopt at any age.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Day 2/3 Fert Report
So we are not going in today for transfer but we may be going in tomorrow. We lost one more yesterday from the rescued embryos and the rest are as follows...
I have a 6 cell and a 3 cell that are day 3ers. The 3 cell is behind but they are going to check the 6 this afternoon to see if its gone to an 8.
I have a 5, a 4, and a 3 that are day 2ers. That 3 is also clearly behind also but the 5 and 4 look good and they think they will be 8s by tomorrow.
So we may end up with 3 to transfer tomorrow. 3 on track embryos, who would have thought. I just googled and my day 2ers are right on track! After they check them out again later this afternoon I have to check my mailbox to see if and when they want me to come in.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Day 1/2 Fert Report...
Amazingly enough all four of the eggs that they rescue ICSI'd yesterday made it and are now embryos! I actually said holy shit to the coordinator. Two of the three that are on day 2 today are still going so we now have a total of 6 embryos still growing.
They are going to check out the 2 that are still going tomorrow and decide if they want to put those back or if they just want to wait until Saturday or Sunday once they get a better look at what is still growing out of the day behind ones.
So my "revised" fert report was...
12 retrieved
10 mature
7 fertilized
7 out of 10 fertilized is within the normal range of percentage that should fertilize with ICSI. Very happy about this.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Fert report in...and apparently my eggs just do suck
12 eggs retrieved
6 mature
3 fertilized
So basically, its over. They will call again on Friday to see if there are any left. New doctor, new protocol, worse results.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Met with the RE yesterday
Friday, September 18, 2009
Treatment day 7
Last night was the 6th night of stims...Two of my follies shrank back to 10s. I have 2 on the left that are now 15 and 17 in size. I have 8 on the right and they are all in the 17-20 range. The nurse said I need to chillax because being so upset is not going to help matters. Bottom line is my scans look great...if I was on day 8 or 9 of stims, chances of good quality right now aren't very high. They will review my bloodwork later today and see if they can push it another day or not. We are all in agreeance though that if this yeilds poor quality, fragmented embryos again that nothing will be put back.
So basically I need to find my zen for the next few days.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Stimming to quickly again
Ugh. My E2 jumped from 225 to 600 in two days. Today is just day 6 of stims. They are trying to push me to trigger on Saturday which is only 7 days of stims again which as we all know does not bode well for quality which is my major issue. My new RE lowered my doses considerably so they are pretty shocked this happened again.
Well, at least it will all be over soon I guess.
I just got back from my second follie scan and I keep repeating the mantra quality over quantity. After 4 nights of stims I have 7 follies on the right side measuring between 14-17 and 1 18. On the left I have 3 measuring between 13-15. Eleven total isn't bad, but I can't say that I am not a little bit disappointed. My AFC was triple what it was last year and I have less eggs cooking. I realize I have absolutely zero control over this so it is what it is and hopefully one or two of those are decent quality.
I took my third menopur shot last night and had a reaction almost immediately. It's very similar to the reaction I had last year to ovidrel. I have a baseball sized welt and it feels like a burn, I am just hoping it does not bubble and peel like the ovidrel reaction site did. Showering was super this morning when I realized that I basically can't let water hit the welt. The bitch of the situation is that tonight is my fifth night of stims and I most likely won't be stimming for much longer so they aren't sure if they are going to do a med change or not. Three or four more of these welts all over my body is not something I can admit I am looking forward to...hopefully it will all be worth it in the end. Tonight I am supposed to take benadryl 30 minutes before and basically pray it doesn't happen again.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
1st follie scan update
I just got back from my first scan and my follies look great. 21 measurable follies after three nights of stims. So all good there.
The issue is that my period is off the hook(I was on prometrium for 7 days post ovulation last month). I woke up to what looked like yet another murder in my bed. At my baseline on Saturday my lining was still 9.4. Today my lining has thinned out by I still have a pocket of blood at the bottom of my ute that is waiting to come out. My nurse said that my follies won't take off until the blood is gone. She is going to talk with the doctor today but she seemed concerned. Have you ever heard of a IVF cycle being canceled because the patients period still wasn't done yet on cd5?
Update: The new coordinator called me my mailbox was not properly set up. LOL, come you have to laugh at that. Everything looks great so far, yes I am still bleeding but its not completely uncommon. If my lining hasn't plumped back up by retrieval they will put me on Estrace. I am going to start drinking POM juice as soon as my period is over as that always seems to help with lining also. So all is well and the new coordinator was wonderful.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Warm and fuzzy feelings
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Baseline and Stim Start!
I went in for my baseline today and for once everything looked great. My AFC was 20, where last time we did IVF it was 7. E2 and FSH looked great according to the nurse so I didn't even bother asking for the number. I start Follistim only tonight on a much lower dose than IVF #1 and am adding in Menopur on stim night #3, which should be entertaining as I have never used Menopur before. From what I remember I believe DH starts his doxycycline today but truthfully I am not even positive about that but at this point what could it hurt.
The hilarity at this point with my coordinator continues though(the new coordinator apparently has not yet taken over). The nurse today told me to wait in the room and she would go get my written shocker here but the coordinator failed to put my packed together. No problem, we will leave the directions for tonight in your mailbox...yeah she never set me up with a mailbox. If I had not previously done IVF I most likely would have had a massive meltdown in their offices today. So I left with no written insturctions, no mailbox to retrieve my messages, nothing. I am trying my best not to stress about feelings toward my coordinator will not affect the outcome of this IVF...
Monday, September 7, 2009
Day 7
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Blonde Moments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
We're off to the races...
1000 mg of Vitamin C
Dexamethasone- start every other day
3 mg of folic acid
Monday, August 31, 2009
Coordinator from hell update
Friday, August 28, 2009
The IVF nurse just called me back. Yes, I do have a collapsed follie but my E2 is only 45 and my progesterone is 3.3 on day 21. On Monday I had a 17 mm follie and I was told that my bloodwork showed I was on my way to ovulating. She said it looks like I am about to get my period. I told her my cycles have been wacked out since my last IVF and wasn't even sure if I have been ovulating in recent months.
They way she was talking my whole IVF was going to be cancelled and she couldn't even remember us talking about me doing IVF and she wanted to know why I even went in today in the first place. Hello lady I talked to you on Monday and you ordered my meds last month.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Wacky IVF med dream
(First I need you to think of the Good Seasoning salad dressing cruet)
In my dream last night Dh and I took out all of my IVF meds for our first night of stims. I start opening each vial and the vial is a cruet. Then I start to worry about how will I know the difference between my salad dressing and my meds. I think start to concoct a plan in my mind using food coloring so I can differentiate each cruet. Why I didn't just think of smelling the salad dressing is above and beyond me. The alarm then went off which is a shame because I would love to know how the dream me would have solved this issue.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Ovulation Check #1
Friday, August 21, 2009
1000 mg of Vitamin C
3 mg of folic acid
Things are still moving along smoothly in IVF #2 land! Thank god for little miracles. I go in on Monday for my first and hopefully last ovulation check. I am giving it a 50/50 shot that I will have ovulated by cd17. Stranger things have happened I suppose and the signs were all there this week. Anywho, we have nothing going on in September so it makes no difference if my ER/ET is the second, third, or fourth week of the month in the grand scheme of things.
Chris and I are doing great, nervous of course but great. We are going on a date tonight so I am very excited about that and tomorrow I am going to the outlets with my bff who I haven't spent time with in forever. It's shaping up to be the best week I have had in quite a while.
The only thing I haven't gotten back into the swing of is dieting and exercise since my miscarriage last month, well actually its almost been two months now. I ride the bike every morning but I know I am not burning nearly as many calories as I was when I was doing aerobics plus Chris' foot is hurt so we aren't doing our nightly walks. I haven't gained any weight but I am not losing anymore either. Then I also think I am going to all hopped up on hormones and hopefully pregnant by the end of September so what the difference if I don't lose those last five pounds. Nice excuse Kate! I am really going to try and be good with my food choices this weekend...
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sometimes its best to say nothing at all
Our appointment to check for ovulation is not until next week so we are going to go ahead it now, I restarted my steriods today. My cycles are so long I have no doubt I can get in 30 days before our IVF starts so I am sure it will be all good. Phew. Besides all of you, I want this IVF to be as low key as possible so I have begged Chris not to tell anyone yet. He wants to tell his mother and says there is no way I will keep this from mine so I gave up that fight. His mom takes it harder than I do when it doesn't work out and then I just end up feeling shittier than I already do but he is right if I can tell mine then he can tell his. So, that's that in a nutshell.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Easy Breezy
Current meds
1000 mg of Vitamin C
3 mg of folic acid
I go back on the 24th(cd17) for my first ovulation check. I only need to be on the pills for seven days before we start IVF so we are not worried about exact science here. If I haven't ovulated yet she will bring me back periodically based on how my labs look so we can at least get the week of pills in so I am guessing it will be once a week until it is confirmed. Ah, a weekly visit vs. 45 days of lupron. What a beautiful thing.
I am still leery of doing IVF again but this really is the best time this year to do it for us. We have nothing big planned for the month of September/beginning of October unlike the rest of the year when we have stuff almost every other weekend. That in itself is a bonus and will make things much less stressful. Basically there is always going to be the voice in the back of my head...aka fear of another m/c...and I realize it will never fully go away. I know the shots are a peice of cake, my protocol seems like a piece of cake, and thats about as far as I can take it. It's also super exciting though that I could be pregnant in two months and possibly with a healthy baby this time. How crazy would that be.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Thanks for the vibes
The good news is that I had already made an appointment for Monday to search for my missing period so I went in today and we changed it to a day 3 appointment. My antral follie count is around 20(go me!), no cysts, and I will find out later what my FSH is this cycle. I should hear back from the IVF coordinator later today what exactly is going to go on for this cycle since I am not sure if I have been ovulating ever since the last IVF. My cycles have been 40+ days each time so I am not really sure if they are going to start me on stims now as my nurse suggested or if we are going to wait until I ovulate and then start the bcp. I'll update when I hear more.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Where are you period???
In the event that my body doesn't cooperate with me I am back to the RE's on Monday for blood work and an u/s to figure out what is going on. I am pretty sure its just that my body doesn't have its shit straight. I have been getting negative hpts for weeks now so I am 99% sure it has nothing to do with something being left over in my ute but who knows. At least I will know as of Monday. I am wondering what this will do to my IVF since I very well may be completely suppressed as it is. Provera, period, then stims. Well that would be just sweet. I am probably getting way ahead of myself here but who knows, it could happen.
On a good news front, my insurace company is going to pay for my ER visit after I called an complained yet again today. I did have to pay a stop payment fee for a check that I sent but paying 30 for the fee versus getting my refund months from now is worth it to me. I did call the company to tell them I stopped the payment so they won't try and cash it. So all is well that ends well in my book.
Fingers crossed the period either comes this week or is just confused and stalled out.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
What do I wish for when I blow out my candles, throw pennies in a fountain, ect... No use in wishing for a healthy baby, because that would have been the fourth year in a row and well that's just pathetic. Don't wish for anything since it won't come true anyway I suppose? So, in a nutshell those were the thoughts running through my head on my awesome birthday!
I still don't have my period yet, I am praying that everything is ok and I am still not retaining some products of conception. I would hate, hate, hate to have to get another d&c. I have to call next Monday if it still fails to show to set up an appointment.
That's all I got this week!
Monday, July 27, 2009
My New Protocol!
This is the breakdown of my IVF cycle and the cycle before:
Get period, start low dose steroid, have office monitor me until I ovulate
7-10 days of bcp starting after ovulation to synch hormones
Get period
Start stimming with Follistim on day 3
Add in menopour and granilex as needed
Trigger in the RE's office
Start on PIO on cottonseed oil, progest. supp, and Vivelle patches(jeez, that's a lot of hormones post ET)
1000 mg of Vitamin C starting today
And that's it! By a quick calculation I think I will have to do 60 less shots with this protocol then with my last since we aren't suppressing me with lupron. Woot woot.
I believe we are going to start suppressing not this cycle, but next. With my long ass cycles that will probably put us into September which is fine so we can enjoy the rest of our summer without having to worry about pinpointing my ovulation.
Everything is ordered, paid for, and will be sitting in our fridge for when we are ready for it.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Weekend Pics

Monday, July 20, 2009
Lets try this again
Sometimes you just have to laugh
My insurance company has also not yet paid for my anesthesia from my last IVF which is a few grand.
Needless to say we won't be cycling again anytime soon until all of this crap is paid off and I don't feel like I have some sort of hex on me when it comes to all things pregnancy.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Best possible outcome!
Everything else with the chromosomes was fine. No traslocations or other abnormalities as they were suspecting, or maybe in my hysterics I misunderstood what they meant by saying it was genetic. Who knows, and at this point who cares.
The RE feels that this pregnancy just further shows that our IVF protocol was all wrong. It sucks that we still are totally unexplained, but I am over the moon excited that genetically there is nothing wrong and there is no need to do PGD.
We will be cycling again in September, maybe even August. The RE mentioned he may want to use my recent pregnancy/hormones to our advantage, whatever that means and start as soon as I get my post d & e period.
The only thing that saddens me at this point is that I saw the sex on the report. I did not want to see the sex. It was a little girl:(
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
My follow up is tomorrow, not today. I guess I got the dates wrong when I was scheduling it. I was pretty out of it that day so I wouldn't put it past me to get it wrong. I called the RE yesterday to make sure the testing results are in, and they are, but the nurse wasn't giving up any information so I have to more day. My mom and husband are nervous for me to go myself tomorrow. I think I will be ok to an extent. The news obviously is bad, IVF w/pgd will most likely be our only option. I get it. Ugh. We still have not come to a firm decision on to IVF again or not. I am sure we will end up doing it again this fall just because we don't have the money to adopt so beating up my mind and my body through IVF is the only viable option we have.
Chris has an ulcer he is so worried about where will we ever come up with 40k. We basically refuse to go back into debt so he feels like its all on him to get a higher paying job. Plus all he has heard are adoption horror stories so he is worried we are going to end up with a child like the one on the Orphange previews on tv. (she has supernatural powers and kills people) Nice.
Let's just recap the past year and a half for a minute...2 c/ps, 1 blighted ovum, 1 missed miscarriage, 1 miserabely failed IVF, finding out our problem is genetic(possibly), 2 vacations that we couldn't enjoy because of the miscarriages/failed IVF, skin cancer and 7 surgeries to remove it. Somethings gotta give, right?
Friday, July 10, 2009
Sexy Undies
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Decision has been made
I have been thinking and blogging more and more lately about stopping the madness. I tossed it at Chris a few times in the past few days and he said he is ok with whatever I decide. My decision is to give up, no my decision is to move on and start a new chapter. I don't think there is a single thing the doctor can say to make me want to do this again. I don't have it in me anymore. I hated being pregnant because I could not enjoy a second of it and I don't think that would ever go away. The aftermath of the miscarriage is even worse. My fibro is flaring and I have zero energy. I hope our final appointment gives us some closure on why all of this happened and if there is any chance of it ever working I will stay off bcp and maybe it will. Or maybe it won't. I can't tell the future, all I know is that the past three and a half years of my life I have carried the question of "will this work" around in my head and when it doesn't comes the questions of "why not" and "why me." A part of me thinks we should have stopped after our last IVF but at least this last miscarriage showed us that our problem is genetic, although I am not sure exactly which genetic problem it is yet.
Imagining that there will never be a little Chris and Kate running around makes me sad, but me throwing away another few years of my life on something that most likely won't work makes me even sadder. I told Chris he could leave me but of course he said he never would and that I am important, not the future children we will never have.
So that's that in a nutshell. The new chapter will include adoption but we want to save up for it as opposed to taking out a loan so it will be years and years away unless one or both of us gets a higher paying job. For now, I am just going to plan our next vacation.