Tuesday, March 29, 2011


He is such a cutie, and almost 6 months already!  Where does the time go?  I really thought once I came back to work I would be able to post more often but I am insanely busy which is nice because the day goes by quickly but it doesn't leave much time for blogging!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

5 months!

and besides the whole infant asthma issue we are relatively healthy!  February felt like the longest freaking month of my entire life, I am so glad it's over.  A lot of people say they would like to keep their babies young forever but not me, not even a little.  I can't frigging wait until his immune system gets a little stronger and :fingers crossed: he grows out of the reflux, infant asthma/reactive airway disease, and laryngomalcia.  Being a winter baby with reactive airway disease can be hard!   Lord only knows where my child got his easy going personality from but he only had a handful of days during the last month where he was truly crabby because he didn't feel well.  No one at daycare seems sick so let's all hope he is done for now!  We still aren't sleeping through the night because of his infant asthma/bullshit lingering RSV coughing fits but they seem to be getting better so I am sure it is just around the corner.

Friday, March 4, 2011

I know this may come as a surprise...

  Jax is sick again.  Shocker, right?  Five days back in daycare and he has a new cold on top of the remnant wheezing from the RSV which equals major suckage.  I had him at the pedi in Smyrna for 2.5 fucking hours on Wednesday.  Excuse my language but seriously that is just ridiculous.  Thank god Jax is a happy child even sick and that it was nice out so we got to hang out on a picnic bench all afternoon.  Yep, there is no separate sick waiting room so you have to wait in your car.  Can you imagine waiting that long in your car with an unhappy child?  I could have driven to NJ, had him seen, dropped him off at my mom's, and drove back to Newark in the time that we sat in that parking lot yesterday.  I am so sick of that office but it got even worse with them last night.
  Once we were finally seen on Wednesday she said that it seems like a new cold, he is still wheezing, yada yada but that if by Thursday he didn't seem any better she would call in a few days of prednisone.   My mom calls me at 4 and says she sounds worse and I call the doctor, leave our pharmacy number and my number and I never hear back from her.  The office was still open when I called!  She never called in the prescription and she never called me to say she wasn't.  I was fucking livid.  .
  He is being seen  today at 11 with his new pediatric practice in South Jersey.  They are all apart of the top docs and the head was who I used to see as a child.   Since I can't go and am OCD I printed out his history since his records won't be there yet for my mom to take with her.  I am sure they will all get a kick out of it, but whatever I feel like an asshole for not being there to begin with so I want to make sure they get as thorough picture as possible as to what has been going on.  So that's fucking that in a nutshell.
   Spring, where are you?  I need you to hurry your sweet ass up so my baby stops getting every virus winter has to offer.