Monday, March 30, 2009

My magic pee box

I love this thing!  Again, I am not saying at all that it will get me pregnant but it is soooo much easier than using opks.  I just pee on the strip, pop it in the magic pee box and go back to sleep.  Sweet!

Now that I am not calorie counting I am dropping pounds like flies.  I started at 155 in Dec. and now I am down to 142.2.  Yay!  I think I am way too OCD to count calories.  I would feel bad if I went over on my calories and then say screw it since I already ruined the day.  I learned in the past few months what I should and should not be eating, so I am just going to stick with that.  If I can't get down to my goal weight then maybe I will start up again but I am pretty sure I am still within my range to lose weight most days.  

I am pretty much killing my book challenge for the year!  I think I forgot in the past two years how much I enjoy reading.  Looking back, IF was really sucking all of the fun right out of my life.  

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I am really slipping on my blogging duties this year.   I finally did get my period, on cd 44.  Chris and I bought a Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor to use for the next 6 cycles.  I don't have much left in me as I have close to no hope left I will ever get pregnant but I know that Chris needs this for closure I guess.  That we really did try everything out there.  I just think going from IVF to the monitor is comical but hey whateves.  I am irregular so I guess besides our 3 medicated cycles we will at least have our timing perfect.  I started using it this morning and it is a lot easier than trying to read the OPKs so thats a plus.

I am done another pound, which isn't great for two weeks but it's not bad either.  The only other thing to report is that I am beat.  I am not sure if I am coming down with something, I am not eating enough or what, but I am totally beat.  I need a nap.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Spotting is the new thing!

I finally did get my period on whopping day 44 this cycle.  I have never spotted before actually getting my period so that's a new thing for me.  At least I will know next time that it's a new normal thing for me.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Finally, the state unviels its plan for us

Our wonderous governor who first pointed out in his speech that state workers take up almost half of the budget in our state had proposed the following
1. 8% paycut
2. No more "state share benefits"- which Chris and I benefit greatly under
3. Raising healthcare premiums
4. State income tax increase for those families making over 60k
5. Oh, and they are building 4 casinos and reinstating sports gambling(which from what I have read is actually an excellent idea- sports gambling, not casinos)

This isn't as bad as it could be.  Depending on what the healthcare premium hike is it looks like we will be losing somewhere around 22% of our total pay.   This is just for next fiscal year.  From what I gather if the economy picks back up we will get more back, if it is still down then we will lose more.  

Now on to the adventures of my wacky cycles.  Day 42.  I think I ovulated on day 31.  A few pink swipes the past few days and spotting after sex but other than that nothing.   Um, yeah.   

Friday, March 13, 2009

Quick Roundup

1. The adoption workshop was nice, but let's face it we don't have 30k laying around.  We don't qualify for most grants because we aren't religious.  We can save up the money maybe in five or ten years.  We could do it quicker, but being poor has never done much for our relationship.  So that basically is over for now.

2. My cycles post IVF have been over 40 days long.  The RE says there is no way that the IVF drugs could have done this and said he could re-do PCOS bloodwork.  Fuck it, really.  I will have my gyn look into it next month.

3.  I have lost 11 pounds.

4.  Chris and I are most likely getting a 20% pay cut some time soon.  The state can't figure out a better way to save money, so screw the state employees.

5.  I clearly need a drink.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Watchman Day!  I will have to admit that I think this movie is going to suck.  This much hype around a movie is never a good thing, well at least that is what my mother always told me.  We are still going out tonight with our friends to see it.  We bought our tickets ahead of time like the dorks we are.  One awesome thing about the Newark theater versus ours is that they have a fandango stand where you can get your tickets.  I always hate that about our theater, you buy them online and then still have to wait in line forever to get them.

I am working out of a different office today.  It is in my town and I love it.  I declined to come here when they opened because I didn't want all of my clients living in the same town as I do.  I think that would cause too much weirdness at the grocery store if they were unhappy with you.  It's so quiet here though that I am totally regretting my decision.   I just have to keep a better look out from now for positions in this building. 

The workout front is going great.  I actually like getting up now to work out where three weeks ago I would have rather stayed in bed.  I have moved on from only yoga to yoga, pilates, and some very low impact cardio.  My body seems to be handling it very well.   My goal for this month is to stay off the scale.  The scale is taking over my life, an awful habit that I picked up when I was a gymnast.  I am just going to keep eating right and exercising without obsessing about the number...or at least until I get my period and it is done with.  I am having some serious bloat issues the last few days and the scale shows it.  Although the rational part of me is saying who gives a shit there isn't anything more you could be doing anyway.

My friend is coming over from DC this weekend!  She is staying the night tonight although since Chris and I won't get home until 10:30 I probably won't see much of her.   She has bridal party stuff to attend to early Saturday morning down the street for us so she is crashing here even though she can't make it to the movies with us.  Then she is coming back on Sunday and we are hitting up the Queenstown Outlets.  I am looking forward to getting some new clothes that actually fit.  I won't go too crazy with the pants in case I go down one more size but I am dying to get at least one pair of jeans that actually fit and look good.  I may also go a little nutty with the winter sales for work tops but who could pass that up.